Obscure Internet

Obsolete meets Obscure

Nyan Cat

This reminds me of some of those classic 8-bit themes from my early gaming days and mixed with this Gif its just additive as hell. I mean are they brilliant or high or both, either way, this is awesome and makes our list of Best of the Internet.

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Game Reviews

Google + Circle names you should not use

This could be a plus or a minus. The minus is if you are married or with a girlfriend and you still keep this circle. Do you really want her to cut off your penis and put it in a garbage disposal? The plus is if you ever need to call these women after a trip to the doctor. However, you cannot lie and toss anyone with a pretty face into this circle as it defeats the purpose.

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Game Reviews

Bean Boozled: Obscure Jelly Belly Bean Flavors

I love Jelly Belly beans, mainly because they come in many varieties of flavors. My favorite is buttered popcorn which I found out most people do not like. One time when visiting the Jelly Belly factory, I found they had irregulars there. They were weird flavors of beans not really meant for sale. Now you can purchase a bunch of those flavors in a pack called Bean Boozled.

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Meme of the Day: Safelite

I am really tired of the safelite commercials, but I love the one with the black guy because being a black guy myself I imagine weird ways how things can go down. Here is a meme we create to capture what comes into some of our minds when we see this commercial.

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Game Reviews

Things not to say to your child

You know you tripped me, why are you pretending I fell? Maybe it is because at age nine I am already developing man-boobs and I’m top heavy, but I can still walk in short durations. I saw that smile on your face as I held my ice cream tightly. You knew the only way it would fall was if I fell with it. Now you owe me a new ice cream. Pay up old man!

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Game Reviews

Thank your Wank dot com

But this isn’t all! We would like to take things a little further and not limit our users’ experience to the lonely “you and your hand” situation – so, we have set up a system for Mutual Wank Alerts. When a user +1s someone and this someone also +1s the initial user, both get an instant Mutual Wank Alert, that will help break the ice and, we hope, allow for sexy times to commence! Unless the person also +1s the initial user, she/he will never know that one did it to begin with! We like keeping things on the safe side!

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