
Released a year after the Atari 2600 you might have believed the Intellivision was a ripoff of the 2600 and not successful and you would be wrong on both accounts. Created by Mattel Electronics, the Intellivision sold over 3 million units and had over 125 games and featured superior graphics and sound to the Atari 2600. You can check out our reviews for Intellivision games here.



In this edition, Prixel Derp’s Chris “Sledge” Douglas takes a look at 1981’s Astrosmash, for the Intellivision. Designed by John P. Stohl for Mattel Electronics, this game is not only a ridiculously addictive shooter, its also quite possibly the only game that will adjust it’s difficulty level as you play! And this tension… well, you’ll see…

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Advanced Dungeons and Dragons

Your journey begins on a sprawling map screen complete with mountain ranges, walls, forests, and your final destination: Cloudy Mountain. It looks like something from Lord of the Rings! As you traverse the wilderness you’ll stumble into a series of monster-infested dungeons. These caverns are randomly generated and contain oddly-shaped rooms – something you don’t see in old games. I love how the dungeons “draw in” as you roam, auto-mapping your progress. While searching for key items, you’ll encounter bats, spiders, rats, snakes, blobs, demons, and dragons.

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