Notables Gamers

Here you will find those special gamers that cross over various categories, some may be professional gamers with world records that also have their own game studios and have celebrity status. These gamers are dynamic, not to say the others are not, but they stand out on their own and are featured under their own section titled, Notable Gamers.

Notables Gamers

Profiled: Derek Smart

When you have a chance to talk with someone who created over 17 games you’re going to want to pick his brain on the state of gaming today in comparison to gaming in the past. Derek and his independent game development company based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida has developed a number of games from Battlecruiser 3000AD to the current Line of Defense MMO which can be found on Steam Early Access. We talked with Derek about his early days, including what influenced him to get into game development and the struggles one can go through when creating their first game. We also talked a little about GamersGate and the evolution and near extinction of the video game manual. We even talked about the rumor of Derek purchasing the IP of the Decent Freespace license.

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Notables Gamers

Profiled: Brad Smith

Gamer Profiles heads to the great white north to talk with developer, Brad Smith on his latest project titled, Lizard. His Kickstarter brings us a cool platformer for the NES where you explore an 8-bit world while wearing a lizard for a true retro inspired adventure. Brad has been a fan of classic games all his life from Metroid 2 on the Gameboy to Prince of Persia on the PC. Brad is also a fan of video game music and began creating his own music own music for the Nintendo.

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Notables Gamers

Gamer Profile: Carrie Swidecki

There was something cute about those twin dragons Bub and Bob that hooked me into the game. Plus I loved the simplicity of the graphics and the background music. This was the 1st game that I became obsess with getting both a high score and trying to complete the game. I would blow bubbles against the wall in between moving up levels and killing enemies to get max points. I would restart the game if I missed any bonus food items on a level to max my score. Bubble Bobble is also the 1st game that I stayed up all night long, so I could make it to the 100th level to complete the game. It is the only game that I have fully completed on Nintendo and I was 10 years old!! I like to say it’s the game that made me a hardcore gamer!!

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Notables Gamers

Gamer Profile: Stephen Barton

I loved 3D Monster Maze on the Spectrum ZX, but Doom really reset the bar entirely. The soundtrack was awesome (especially given the resources available), but what really got me hooked was that it was the first game I ever played involving a network. That you could be on one computer and playing someone on an entirely different computer in a different room with just a null modem cable between the two, before we even had an internet connection – that was special.

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Notables Gamers

Profiled: Daryl Rodriguez & Jeanette Garcia

World 1-1 is the first in a documentary series on the history of video games. This chapter is about the early years including Atari and how they helped to create a new industry. It focuses on the business deals, the personalities of the pioneers, and the creations of the engineers. This documentary will be a combination of interviews, archival footage, and reflection that retells the story to a new generation that may not know the roots of their favorite hobby

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Notables Gamers

Glen McNamee: Obscure Internet

By the geniuses at Sensible software it’s a game I still play it regularly today, because the game play is fantastic, there is still is absolute no other game like it. It’s weirdest games ever, a stroke of mad genius, featuring screaming cats, hostile geometric shapes, and drops of paint firing bullets at you, flith raids, and a brilliant and original soundtrack.

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