Company Representatives

Representatives of gaming companies, publishes, developers, indie, hardware and software. All encompassing for the world of video games.

Company Representatives

Profiled: Nick Clarkson

On this episode of GPS we talked with Nick Clarkson a true gamer who has not only played a large number of classic PC games, but was a pioneer with gaming magazines in the U.K. and worked with a number of great game creators before coming to Merge Games. We talked about his journeyman tour of gaming in the U.K as well as his gaming experiences before diving into Merge’s upcoming titles including, Riot, Albedo and Zombie Kill of the Week.

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Company Representatives

Profiled: Ray Willmott

This episode of GPS takes us across the pond to the U.K. Wales to be exact, where we talked with Ray Willmott of Big Cake Games on their upcoming game for PS4 and PC titled. Cold Horizon. This is the team that worked on the Metal Gear fan remake and we got a chance to talk about Ray’s gaming history, how he came to Big Cake Games and of course, what we can expect out of Cold Horizon.

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Company Representatives

Profiled: Ichiro Lambe

We talked with Ichiro Lambe from Dejobaan games their incredible game, Elegy for a Dead World where you explore dead civilizations, write about what you find, and share your stories with the world. You can find the game on Steam. Ichiro started gaming at an earlier age and like host, J.A. Laraque even had a Texas Instruments TI 99/4A. We talked about his gaming background and his journey from gamer to game maker. So check out his episode and let us know what you think.

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Company Representatives

Profiled: Kevin Mentz

When you have a company known for great games you become even more curious about the people behind them so when we had a chance to talk with Kevin Mentz from Daedalic Entertainment we were excited to do so. We were already fortunate enough to have a written gamer profile from Claas Paletta and for Kevin, we learned his favorite classic games we learned his favorite classic game is The Battle of Olympus.. We also talked about his move from playing games to wanting to create them and finally working for Daedalic and the number of games he personally worked on including Memoria. Overall, a fun interview with a lot of game talk and trailers from a number of Daedalic titles including, Memoria, The Night of the Rabbit, Blackguards 2 and Randal’s Monday so check it out.

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Company Representatives

Profiled: Aidan Price

We sat down with Aidan Price from East Asia Soft to talk about their upcoming game Lost Sea and about Aidan’s gaming influences which included classic games such as the original Super Mario Bros. and Contra for the NES. Aidan also worked on a number of projects before his work as game designer on Lost Sea included Brink and Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers. Aidan comes to us from Hong Kong so we can add that stamp to our virtual passport of places we have visited on Gamer Profiles and he gave us some inside into how gamers and arcades are a bit different than in the States and his native U.K. so check out the interview and let us know what you think.

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Company Representatives

Gamer Profile: Loris Malek

We’ve talked with fantastic people from around the world and Loris from Moon Spider is no different. Their game, Harold is an interesting mix between Pitfall and Lemmings that gives you that hardcore, but unique gameplay that gamers have been asking for. Loris grew up in France and could have opened up shop in his home town or the west cost of the U.S. but made Miami his home. He is a true fan of classic games and even had an awesome system of sharing console systems and games growing up as a kid in Nice, France, check out our extended interview to learn more.

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Company Representatives

Gamer Profile: Jan Kavan

CBE Software is an independent video game studio in the Czech Republic that has released a number of games including their current game, the fantastic, J.U.L.I.A: Among the Stars We had a chance to talk with Jan Kavan, one of the dynamic duo at CBE Software about his experiences growing up as a fan of video games in a gaming culture different than many may be used to.

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Company RepresentativesGamer Profiles

Gamer Profile: Evan Hahn

Windforge is a steampunk building block RPG, with fully buildable airships. It’s kind of like a mix of Contra and Minecraft with flying airships. It’s a game that embraces freedom, creativity, and chaotic emergent action. There a million things to do in Windforge, even pretty outrageous things like mining whales for meat, or even turning them into airships.

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Company RepresentativesGamer Profiles

Gamer Profile: The Unallied

More than all other games, the original Pokemon was a game that hides its complex mechanics under a dead-simple interface. I like many Nintendo games for this reason, but I’m still impressed with how well they distilled the RPG formula into a one-on-one battle with just 4 actions for each side. The game gets much more complex simply by giving you many choices – you can customize your 6-Pokemon team, choosing them from 150 types, and choose the best 4 moves for each one. This kind of “layered complexity” is something I try to think about when designing games, and Pokemon was how I learned it.

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Company RepresentativesGamer Profiles

Dominique Vial: Domsware

We were on our final “lycée” studies and we needed to prepare THE french exam named “baccalauréat”. It’s very important to make a big score to this exam because it’s the passcard to university and High Schools. Anyway. We spend a lot of time playing DM instead of working our final exams. Locked on my friend’s bedroom, our parents believed we were working on our studies! Ah ah ah! It was a really immersive and addictive game. And, for the story purpose, a friend of my elder brother was working on some computer science laboratory on some kind of “network”. He was helping us by providing us printed listings containing the precious answers to hard DM’s issues: these was from this mysterious “network”. Later and later I found the name of this guy on a W3C document: I then understood he was one of the first working on the internet and that was the mysterious network. He was a pioneer while we were exploring dungeons !

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Company RepresentativesGamer Profiles

Kevin Cerdà: BeautiFun Games

This isn’t a really known game. However, I believe that it was really innovative at the moment it appeared. It was made by Mythos games, with Julian Gollop, creator of X-COM. In Magic & Mayhem you really felt like a wizard, combining spells in many clever ways (such as levitating and enemy and turning it into stone to smash it against the ground, breaking it into pieces). It was like a strategy game with the full base inside one single character that was able to move around and create minions out of nothing without any cooldown at all. Really surprising, fresh and dynamic. A source of inspiration.

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Company Representatives

Paul Stephen-Davis: Retro Army

“I’m ultimately making this game for the players. I firmly believe that what players want is what should go in the game. They are our customers at the end of the day, and in my experience what they say 99% of the time is right. Medal Wars : The First One is what it is today, as a result of player and reviewers feedback and in all honesty. It’s a far better game for it”

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Company RepresentativesGamer Profiles

Tony Oakden: Charlie Dog Games

Exile first appeared on the BBC Micro in 1988 and later on the Amiga. It’s one of only a handful of games to score 10/10 in Edge magazine. Years ahead of it’s time it uses physics, emergent AI and procedurally generated environments to create a massive world in which an adventure takes place. I loved playing it back in the 80s and still enjoyed it a few years ago when I replayed it on an emulator. Just brilliant. I think the author is working on a mobile version.

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Company RepresentativesGamer Profiles

Septian Ganendra: PST Team

I’m the founder as well as the main programmer of PST Team, a small indie game developer based in Surabaya, Indonesia. I’ve been passionate about gaming since kid, when my father bought me something called “Sega Genesis”, where it all began. “This is cool! I want to make a game, my own game!”. After that I started to walk my path as Game Developer. And now, here I am, creating my own games. Currently I’ve created Sentou Gakuen and Samurai Taisen, and I will keep improving myself by making more games.

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