

I’m The Guy Who Reported You

Let me step out of the shadows and into the light so you can see clearly. Got a good look? Great! It took a lot on my part to build the confidence and reassurance that what I’m doing is right. I’m glad this day has finally come, though. What day might that be? The day where I reveal to you, nay, all of you that I am the orchestrator of your bans, warnings, and name changes! That’s true! It is I! The great Umar Khan! I am the bastard who spends most of his day opening customer support tickets to report you for saying dicks, asshole, and cunt whistle.

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Game Reviews

Thank your Wank dot com

But this isn’t all! We would like to take things a little further and not limit our users’ experience to the lonely “you and your hand” situation – so, we have set up a system for Mutual Wank Alerts. When a user +1s someone and this someone also +1s the initial user, both get an instant Mutual Wank Alert, that will help break the ice and, we hope, allow for sexy times to commence! Unless the person also +1s the initial user, she/he will never know that one did it to begin with! We like keeping things on the safe side!

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SEO Is Somewhat Important

It’s important to have as many backlinks from sites that have better traffic and alexa ranking than you. Think of it kind of like as a referral and if you get a referral from a place that’s more important than you then that is a good thing in the eyes of the big search engines.

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Lost In Translation: Vietnamese Pokemon Crystal

Poorly subtitled bootleg copies of games and videos are all lying something in the darkest, dustiest corner of your closet. It’s hard for some to admit that they’ve acquired these counterfeit but we’ve all done it at some point or another. Why pay full price when you could just as easily get a rip for $5? Isn’t bootlegging what keeps Chinatowns across the US afloat? How we strive to keep the American dream alive if we don’t indulge immigrants by purchasing their fine wares?

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Community Profile: Meet A Gamer

What is gaming? Just kidding, I’ve been gaming since I was a really little kid started off playing Mario Bros series on the original Nintendo, when you had to blow into the cartridge of the game to get it to play. And I was really addicted to Excitebike that game had me going for hours. I finally moved on to Super Nintendo, Sega, and now the next generation consoles. I am really into the Call of Duty series now. I’ve tried out the Wii and Playstation 3 but it really isn’t for me. Those two consoles are collecting tons of dust right now!

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