

Halo 2

Halo 2 was a big jump up in graphics from the first game, and they did add a lot of new stuff like dual wielding and energy swords now. The single player was enjoyable but kinda left you half empty. I liked playing as Master Chief, I thought Arbiter’s bad guy turned good story-line was uninteresting and stupid. If I’m going to play as a alien you killed a ton of in the last game, then I want to kill humans not other aliens.

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Could Blizzard’s Next MMO Titan really be a Halo MMO?

Taken one at a time, these are just mere coincidences. However, combine them all and you have a legitimate conspiracy on your hands! So? Are all of these mere coincidences? Is Blizzard planting these seeds to troll everyone? Or maybe, just maybe, the secret is out and Blizzard’s new MMO is a Halo MMO! All I know is, what my insider friend told me matches all the conspiracies listed and goes hand in hand with a potential Halo MMO. For now, only those in Activision-Blizzard (and maybe Bungie) know the truth, but we are free to speculate.

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Movies & T.V.

Motivation Monday: Bad video game movies

It’s like Saved by the Bell Double Dragon style, how can you go wrong? This movie suffers from the fate many video games and even comic book movies do and that is adding in too much to the story. The writers could have tailored a simple save the girl story and with good acting and choreography it could have done well, but they go all Golden Child or Mortal Kombat the series on us and ruin it.

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Community Profile: Meet A Gamer

What is gaming? Just kidding, I’ve been gaming since I was a really little kid started off playing Mario Bros series on the original Nintendo, when you had to blow into the cartridge of the game to get it to play. And I was really addicted to Excitebike that game had me going for hours. I finally moved on to Super Nintendo, Sega, and now the next generation consoles. I am really into the Call of Duty series now. I’ve tried out the Wii and Playstation 3 but it really isn’t for me. Those two consoles are collecting tons of dust right now!

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Halo Reach: Deliver Hope Trailer

Whether you like the Halo series or not (really, who doesn’t like it) you will like this trailer. You might have seen shorter versions of the live action trailer titled “Deliver Hope” but now you can see the full version. It is incredibly well done showcasing some great action sequences and a music score that even gives the ol’ heart strings a tug.

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The Music Hall

Halo OST

Reach is almost in our reach and to celebrate the pending release Obsolete Gamer wanted to take you back to the original Halo soundtrack. Composed and produced by Martin O’Donnell and Michael Salvatori it was released in the summer of 2002. It is an awesome soundtrack that featured a wise range of musical styles and really gets you into the game.

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I Want This Motherf#$^in’ 3D Out of My Motherf%$@in’ Games!

When I saw Avatar was being marketed as a 3D movie I was fine with that because it said from the get-go that it was slating to be a 3D movie. It was specifically made to enhance this experience and there wasn’t enough 3D in movies around that time. Then this “Fern Gully” rip off got huge and popular and now every movie that was made for 2D is quickly adding a 3D experience. I admit though, I am a bit of a hypocrite and have seen plenty of movies in 3D since then. Alice in Wonderland had to have been the worst use of the technology thus far next to Toy Story 3 (was there even anything popping out in this movie?).

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