Modern PC Gaming

Lost Planet 2

The episode environments are varied but you’ll end up doing basically the same thing in every one. While the game tells you that the objective is to take control of a train or cause a mining drill to spin out of control it always comes down the same thing: taking control points. The T-ENG data-posts from the original game seem to be the most important thing on EDN III. These points are apparently the only control scheme on the planet so every mission has you capturing all of the posts on the map while shooting waves of faceless goons.

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Indie Games


Chains, you see, might on the surface seem like another game that uses the rather tired idea of making things disappear by matching them with, err, things of the same colour, but it really has way more than that to offer. It sports a brilliant and very versatile physics engine, that, combined with the excellent level design, make for a rather excellent and quite unique game. Not to mention an addictive one too. And wait till you see them graphics in motion while listening to that utterly brilliant electro soundtrack…

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Stirge’s QuakeCON Diary – 4 days of glory!

Day two it was ready for the actual CON to start. We went upstairs to receive our badges and they were very happy to give them to us, we entered the vendor area and started looking around. In my time working for Alienware I had helped create some amazing convention setups, but mainly with pc’s. When I looked over at the Alienware booth this year they had a hummer, that you could sit in the back of and play on, that was kind of cool.

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