Things to do with an NES cartridge
Things to do with an NES cartridge
Who would have thought there were so many things we could do with an NES cartridge besides playing games or throwing them at our sister. Here we have a number of awesome uses for the NES carts including:
The NES cartridge Clock
You spent way too much time playing games, now you can better keep track of time with this very geeky clock. When both hands point at Mario you enter the Rainbow Bridge.
The NES cartridge Harmonica
How many NES games left you singing the blues? Now you play them on your very own NES harmonica. I think this should be a key item in the next Zelda.
The NES cartridge External Hdd
Need a place to hold all those NES ROMS well look no further than this cool completely functioning external disc drive. Using the Gold Zelda cart is a bonus for the bling factor. By the way, did you know the gold Zelda cart was considered common and the grey cart was considered rare?
The NES cartridge NES
This is the video game equivalent to the Turducken. I mean playing a NES within an NES cart must break some laws of science or something. I am waiting for the home with NES carts for every appliance and furniture.
The NES cartridge Ring
Now you have that perfect ring to present to the girl about to turn down your marriage proposal. I think world record holders of NES games should get a ring made from the cart of the game they hold the record in and all gamers are required to kiss it.
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