Game Reviews

Scambaiter – Fun with Bots – Don’t remember?

I’ve just found this Conversation with fredricwagner32 in my archives. This is my first encounter with one of these bots, and it has all the classic hallmarks; Male ID but a female name and an urge to plug some awful dating site.

(1:42:48 PM) fredricwagner32: Yo u there?
(2:26:18 PM) c64glen: Yup
(2:26:19 PM) fredricwagner32: Hey there c64glen 
(2:26:24 PM) c64glen: hi
(2:26:25 PM) fredricwagner32: U remember me? i think we went to high school together 
(2:26:30 PM) c64glen: of course
(2:26:31 PM) fredricwagner32: it’s me Julia! 
(2:26:36 PM) c64glen: hi julia, where you the fat one?
(2:26:38 PM) fredricwagner32: need a hint? <crappy url> i have a profile on this singles site 
(2:26:53 PM) c64glen: Is that a new site?
(2:26:54 PM) fredricwagner32: dont remember? Check out my pic on this adult singles site <crappy url>
(2:27:04 PM) c64glen: I’ve not heard of <crappy url> before, is it good?
(2:27:08 PM) fredricwagner32: dont remember? Check out my pic on this adult singles site <crappy url>
(2:27:44 PM) c64glen: Ah, you seem to be a bot, if you are bot say the same thing again
(2:27:45 PM) fredricwagner32: U dont remember? Check out my pic on this adult singles site <crappy url>
(2:27:48 PM) c64glen: if you like Donkey’s Dicks say the same thing again
(2:27:49 PM) fredricwagner32: need a hint? <crappy url>  i have a profile on thisxfrsbsingles site lmqqn
(2:27:53 PM) c64glen: hehehehe

Views: 75

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

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