Game Reviews

MySpace Interview – Bryony Marie Fry

So who are you anyway?

Well, to cut a long story short My name is Bryony Marie Fry and I’m a 20 year old, female, Singer songwriter and musician. My main tool of the trade is a guitar but I can also play the bohdron, flute, penny whistle and a bit of the piano when needs be. I’ve played the guitar from about the age of twelve and I am completely self taught. I had singing lessons for about a year but I’ve loved to sing and write songs from a very young age. I’ve even kept all the tattered bits of paper with lyrics on (spelt dreadfully!) from when I was a child!

Describe your sound for us.

I would say my sound is warm and honest, both lyrically and musically. This is because I tend to write straight from the heart and try not to over complicate my songs. It’s acoustic, soulful and soft, yet I do love to belt out the lyrics in the right places also!

So you rate yourself then?

Everyone has a personal opinion about their music but there is a fine line between arrogance and simply just feeling proud of something you have worked hard on. I enjoy what I do and when other people enjoy listening to it as much as I do performing it…I think you have a healthy balance.

Who are your influences?

My influences vary from going to folk festivals as a child and picking up that sound (especially obvious in my older songs). To artists such as Joni Mitchell, Janis Joplin, Eva Casidy, to more modern less known artists such as Laura Marling, Jay Jay Pistolet, Kid Harpoon and Mumford and Sons etc…The life I have led has played a very big part on my music also which is explained in a lot of my lyrics.

Tell us one of your musical secrets.

I don’t really have any secrets when It comes to my music as I lay myself pretty bare enough already!

What’s in the future?

In the future I would love to be earning enough money from my music (and art), so that I never have to do a dead end job ever again….right, that’s got the obvious out the way!

I also want to still be as happy, productive and as passionate and enthusiastic about my music as I am now. I guess in one word I just want “success”.

What is your claim to fame?

I don’t really have a claim to fame musically but I was on the news for something else once! I was about 11 years old and pictured in the background at the top of a hill kicking mud down into a wheel barrow! I was helping out with the “house in time” event that took place at Beaulieu. Everyone was dressed up in old fashioned clothes from centuries ago and we all had one day to build a cottage and the whole day was filmed, photographed and even crowds came to watch! The cottage is still there today and I’m proud to say I did my bit in helping to make it! ….Don‘t laugh!

Musically, where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

In 10 years time I hope to be a pretty established artist at the peak of my career! I’d love to be touring and gigging regularly and I hope by then I would have touched thousands of people all over the world with my music. I hope I would have released a good few albums by then too!

Myspace or Facebook?

Myspace is great for music and it’s simple to use and everyone knows how it works. It’s a great and easy way for people to know and hear everything they need to know on the subject of your music. Facebook is something I’ve mainly used on a more personal level talking directly to people I know. Saying that, it’s always good to promote yourself on many different social platforms so I shall look into getting a Facebook artist page set up ASAP!

Views: 91

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

4 thoughts on “MySpace Interview – Bryony Marie Fry

  • Thanks for your comment.

    Check out tomorrow (Friday) as we will have one of her songs on the front page!

  • I was given a copy of Bryony’s CD a while bak. Blew me away. Love Rusty Bicycle and Cherry Tree. This girl can be HUGE!

  • Nice voice but very boring. Nothing speical

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