Geoff Mendicino on His Tourney for Charity: LOVE of Florida 2012
Geoff Mendicino
Last time Geoff Mendicino was interviewed, he gave us insight on his role in the Fighting Game Community, or FGC. He not only professionally plays fighting games, of course, but also creates videos to help other players and even make them laugh. This time, he’s taking it all to a new level with his tournament for charity: LOVE of Florida 2012.
What brought about the idea of running a charity event? Was this planned or more of a spur of the moment kind of occasion?
A number of factors came into effect for me to ultimately create a charity tournament.
It’s close to the holiday season. As an aspiring FSU Criminologist grad student, a lot of the disadvantaged and less fortunate kids out there get brought to our attention.
Tallahassee is also a very unknown part of the Florida scene, especially the tournament scene. This is the perfect opportunity to put Tallahassee on the map, before I leave for good to pursue my goals in California the same month.
I’ve been a part of the Fighting Game Community for 5 years now, and I wanted to give something back. Not only to the FGC, but also outside our community to the needy.
Overall, mixing the tight family-like community from fighting games to bring awareness and help to those in need. That’s my inspiration.
So you’re not only contributing to those in need, but once again the FGC as well. It’s a lot to take on, especially with the weight of a life changing event like moving. With schooling in mind, will the FGC still have a large role in your life?
Sadly, only time will tell. The FGC will always be a large part of my life, but once I move to parts unknown it might take me a while to get settled back into the community.
Understandable. This tournament is going to be streamed, right? Do you have a link and maybe any others you may want to share, yet?
Yes! Every game on the roster will be streamed at one point.
Our stream will be available for live viewing of the event on December 15th from 10:00 AM to around 11:30 PM EST.
Darksydegeoff on
Where will the viewers be able to make donations?
There will be a donation link on the stream page!
What are the fighting games that will be featured?
So far on our list, we have Guilty Gear, Persona 4: Arena, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, King of Fighters XIII, SSFIV AE 2012, Street Fighter x Tekken, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and a special free game to enter for everyone who just wants to be fun which we’ll be announcing later. Games may change depending on circumstances, but what you see there is very solid.
What is the best way to contact you if there are any more questions to be answered?
Feel free to contact Geoff Mendicino on Facebook for any personal inquiries and for business inquires.
Will there be other events happening during the stream?
We have a very special raffle where 100% of the proceeds go directly towards Child’s Play. I can’t talk about the sponsors we’ve received at the moment because we’re finalizing things, but we’ll have fightstick giveaways, Fighting Game Celebrity memorabilia, artwork and tons of things we’re giving away at this raffle.
How were you able to find a suitable location for such a large event?
We’ve worked together with local LAN center Gamescape to make this event as convenient as possible to everyone. $0 venue fee and all the open space of a cleared out Old Navy. B.O. will not be a problem!
B.O can get pretty wicked during these types of things. Well I think that about wraps up all of the most important questions! Do you have anything you would like to add, Geoff?
We have the utmost support from all around the community for this event, from California’s CrossCounter TV to our own Floridian backyard with Alex Jebailey from CEO. Thank you to everyone who has contributed; I promise you an amazing event. Love you all!
I would also like to add that the facebook event page for LOVE of Florida: 2012 is public and located here: LOVE of Florida 2012
There are specifics for the players who plan to attend and other details.
This is a great opportunity to contribute to what is truly important and what many seem to forget during the holidays. There is more to gamers than doritos, mountain dew, and body odor. This is a great example!
No really, I’m serious. There’s more to it than that.
Contact me at if necessary.
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