Obsolete Network

Alt F4 #3 MK Tom Brady

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Alt F4 #3 MK Tom Brady

In the arena of fighting game tournaments few people have had an impact as large as MK Tom Brady. Whether it is community leadership or stand out competitor Tom Brady has been a staple with in the Nether Realm Community.

mk tom brady

Through his hard work he has earned various spots outside of fighting games as a tester with Nether Realm Studios for games such as Injustice: Gods Among Us and the legendary rebirth of the classic fighting game Mortal Kombat. He’s also competed and won various major tournaments and even competed in the WCG. He also has been a color commentator for MLG during the return of the fighting game season.

Now prepare yourselves for a trip not only into the life of a professional gamer but a living legend who has seen his fair share of blood spilled in the spectrum of Kombat.

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