
What is your favorite flash game?

anti farmville
anti farmville

When you have to stare at a computer screen all day there are a number of things you can do you alleviate the boredom and one of those things is to play a flash game. Perhaps originally flash games was just something you did when you couldn’t play another game that requiring installation or a higher end PC, but now-a-days flash games have become a part of the gamers vocabulary. With social media, specifically Facebook, flash games have spawned their own gamers and fans. Some people only play flash games and nothing else.

Personally, my flash game play only happens when I’m not on a gaming system or have a handheld nearby. Honestly, with the games one can find on their own phones you would think flash games would either need to be ported to phones or would slowly die out.

So let’s take a look at a few flash games. We’ll start with one of my favorites.

The Falling Sand Game

Like many flash games the premise is simple. You have various types of “sand” that fall from above and you can interact with it using various other elements and items such as water, oil, fire. You can build pipes and walls to capture the sand or you can create a fireball by igniting oil or grow moss by adding water. Pretty much that is it, but trust me, it get addictive and is great fun.

Portal: The Flash Version

If you don’t know what portal is get off my website, seriously, go. If you are still here this is a pretty awesome portal flash game, too bad it is not made by Value Software. Pretty much it is just a scaled down version of the real portal and I found it puzzles not as hard to solve, but it was a fun and well put together game.

So those are a few of my favorites, let’s see what the panel thinks.

Danielle Davis from Zombie Studios wrote:

Robot Unicorn Attack

There have been many flash games over the years that have sucked up endless minutes of my time, but the one that immediately pops into mind has to be the level 11 glitter-fabulous cotton-candy-licious monstrosity Robot Unicorn Attack. Extremely simple and addictive gameplay, pink dolphins, butterfly fairies, rainbows, sparkly giant stars, Erasure soundtrack, and of course, a majestic magical robotic unicorn… now if you’ll excuse me I need to take my diabetes medication…

Juan Gril from JoJu Games wrote:

Space Disposal

Seppo Helava from Self Aware Games wrote:


Fleck zombies flash game
Fleck zombies flash game

Views: 787

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

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