
The NEW Field to Battle On

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The NEW Field to Battle On

Finally! The cure to all your gamebattle headaches has arrived. No more confusion while setting up matches, no more recording your own matches, no more submitting scores or dispute tickets only to wait days to finalize a win, no whining and annoying kids, and no more harassing, trash talking, opponents.

If you are going to play, you may as well not only play for bragging rights, but get something out of it! Win straight cash, as well as a variety of gaming prizes. Put not only your skills to the test, but make let them literally payoff.

Payback Games has incorporated what we love about gamebattles, and fixed the things we hated. Rather new to the playing field, Payback Games is making a name for itself and quick. Boasting daily matches that are already set up and leaving you with a simple click of the mouse to join.

Each match is set up by the Administrator/Spectator representing Payback Games. They are the ones responsible for inviting each team into the match, leaving room for errors on game setup out and no mistakes in who was present on time. Once more the rules will be read, room for questions, and then the match begins. Each team is limited to no more than 5 members, leaving room for the spectators from PBG. The spectator will watch over the match, assuring no cheating and therefore ending the need for disputes and you to submit your own tickets, as scores are posted up and final within moments of each matches end. Secondly, there is no room for immaturity or harassing players on PBG. No kids, no fuss, makes for a smoother, more relaxed, and enjoyable gaming session.

PBG exposes you and your team to big name sponsors, such as Activision, Steel Headsets, and Monster Energy. Bring your A-game and who knows, bring home a contract. You wish to join a team or recruit for your own team? Head on over to the forum section and check out the areas marked for such. Want to promote your own clan/community? Then do so, on your own personalized profile, provided by PBG.

Many communities and clans have packed up and made the move to make PBG their new home. Clans just like us, Ladies2Die4 (L2D4). We confidently made the move to PBG and are very pleased with the outcome. We feel that Gamebattles online play, will take a backseat to PBG once it receives the same exposure.

So join now, win some cash and prizes, get comfy with your surroundings, and make a name for yourself and clan, before the rush of players flood this fabulous new gaming site. Maybe even challenge us, the Ladies2Die4. Good Luck and Happy gaming!

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Ladies2Die4 was born from the camaraderie of finding other girl gamers in a very male-dominated online gaming market. Our mission is to provide a fun and positive drama free environment to other female gamers, while maintaining competitiveness, fairness, and respect in online gaming. Ladies2Die4 offers girls a chance to meet other girls who are passionate about the game. One of our other goal is to rid any stereotypes associated with female gamers and make it clear that females can be just as dedicated, skilled, and successful as their male counterparts in the world of competitive gaming. ---IMPORTANT- Game challenges through private message to any of L2D4 clan members will not be honored. Please find us on in order to present a challenge.----- Ladies in the clan do not accept friend requests from fans- please comment on the fan page if you would like to be in contact with L2D4. *************************************************** To play with us....You gotta be good. To play against us... You gotta be tough. To beat us...You gotta be kidding!

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