princess peach


Princess Peach and the Pooper

You have to love the internet and artists for that matter. Who would have ever thought to paint Princess Peach in a bathroom giving you the “Oh my Gosh” look. I mean could you even go to the bathroom with her looking at you like that, the answer of course is yes.

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Horrible Video Game Names

This Dreamcast game is actually pretty fun to play and let’s just be truthful, there are some geeks out there who would have no problem getting down with a robot. Just listen to how the guy says the name of the game and the name of chapter 1 is called, It’s not fair.

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Classic Gaming Beauty Pageant

This noble beauty believes in the more traditional role of fantasy princesses. Zelda spends most of her time either in a magically induced sleep or trapped in some dungeon waiting for a hero to save her. Being a lady of stature and prestige she refuses to show herself in anything beyond her royal gown, but we still like what we see. Zelda understands the key to being saved is looking good and patience, lots and lots of patience.

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