
APB. I Think U Dun Goofed

Few may remember APB but many remember the backlash the game received when it closed its doors to players in less than a year’s time. Even fewer may know that APB is having life beat back into it when it was purchased by Gamersfirst under a new Free to Play model. Today, lets look into a little background on the changes the game will be receiving to deem for our self if it is worth our time.

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Mobile Games

Bubble Bobble Double

So why would you want to flick or pop them? Good question. The enemies come out in different patterns, sometimes they are bunched together and sometimes they are apart. When you burst a bubble it also damages enemies around it whether they are inside a bubble or not. However, when you flick them you can hit other enemies that are farther way or to hit incoming enemies.

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Paladin Hateraid

It was after a hard Friday night of D&D back in college. I had drunk way to many Zima’s and passed out in the lounge. Nicolas, who I had beaten earlier that night with my charisma warrior, was still pissed and wanted revenge. He stood over me, but I was in no condition to stop him as he pulled his pants down and settled his microscopic sack upon my forehead.

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Company Representatives

Mikail Yazbeck: TaleWorlds Entertainment

I remember getting HoMM II, b/c I had to return some stupid mini-golf game that wouldn’t run on my 75MHz Pentium, thank goodness for that, the franchise turned out to be a life long gaming love affair that still has me entranced with its simplicity, depth, and wonderful style both visually and aurally. I still find myself playing through the franchise(yes,even #4, go on, chuckle) and listening to the music while I design.

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What is the best classic space shooter and why?

I can’t help but to re-iterate how significant the first accomplishment was. This was in the days before DirectX, before any abstraction layers, back when Men were Men & Women were Women & game programmers had to write universal binaries for what hardware MIGHT be running their code. That feat is the equivalent of walking into the UN Building and trying each language until you’re talking to everyone.

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Games to Buy: Console Edition: Nov 21 2010

A new name and a new way of doing our weekly report on games coming out the following week. With so many games out there the fact is some will be worth the cash and some will not be. Beyond that some games may be worth picking over the others and so we have come up with a dollar sign rating system. One $ means it can wait until it’s in the bargain bin and five $’s means you should be waiting in line to purchase it.

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Motivational Monday: Knock Offs

I really don’t want to call this game a knock off because I owned both it and the Texas Instruments TI-99/4A that it was released for, but it was loosely based on Pac-Man. The cool thing was the differences including the fact that you were trying to connect links to form a chain not eat dots. Also the ghosts in the game, called Hoono’s change from level to level. As the game continues your enemy gets much faster than you and their vulnerability time is greatly reduced.

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Company Representatives

Shaun Norton: Sandbox Strategies

This game blew my mind the first time I played it, which was via a demo disc in a gaming magazine. It was unlike anything I had played before, a remarkably polished game with an intricate story and incredibly satisfying controls and gameplay. I was hooked the second I popped the disc in, and it was one of the first games where I not only became engrossed in the story and the struggles of the amazing characters and cast, but that I also took hours and hours to replay.

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The Music Hall

Super Castlevania IV OST

If you haven’t checkout my review on Super Castlevania IV go see it now. SCV4 was one of my favorite games on the SNES and it featured a ton of great tracks. The music sounded great for even today, but back then it was really incredible. The game features a number of remixes of themes from previous games and many new ones. The Castlevania soundtrack is one of the best in the gaming industry.

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Super Castlevania 4

There were also some level changes which made me a sad panda including changing pools of blood from red to green, removing the blood dripping from the title screen and changing the topless status in level 6 of the game. Strangely enough the monster called Medusa remained topless however her nipples were removed, how kinky.

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