Game Reviews

Myspace Interview – Hero’s for Hire

So, who are you anyway?

Hero’s for Hire had its roots in a relationship I thought was beautiful in my mind. Little did I realize the girl I was dating was just using me to make her boyfriend bad. I sucked with girls and was a dork in highschool, didn’t even have a girlfriend until I was a senior. Then I dated this one girl who dumped me after a week, saying we didn’t see eachother enough. What really happened is she stole my virginity to piss off her boyfriend, which worked, dumped me and went back to him. So being a musician I wrote a song to cope. This song I called “The Whore Song” it became very popular and then I started the band, which has been around for 2.5 years. I (Charles Diamond) play guitar and sing, Vince Caiafa plays
drums, and Dave Morris plays bass.

Describe your sound for us.

I would categoize our sound officially as pop/punk/alternative. Imaginitively as a three legged grey hound chasing a bus. Poetically as some sort of highcue or however the hell you spell it, politically as against the man, and realistically as motivational.

So you rate yourself then?

I have no clue how we would rate ourseleves. We basically go on stage and make complete fools of ourselves by using the must horrible language we can think up and pray we hit the right notes. More often than not we make fun of eachother as best we can. I made Vince drink his own pee once and that is a popular topic.

Who are your influences?

One of my musical secrets is that a lot of the stuff I write has to do with me. I get myslef a warm hot cocoa, put on my slippers, head to the basement, throw on the thong song and play the whole thing a luff.

Tell us one of your musical secrets.

One of my musical secrets is that a lot of the stuff I write has to do with me. I get myslef a warm hot cocoa, put on my slippers, head to the basement, throw on the thong song and play the whole thing a luff.

What’s your claim to fame?

My claim to fame is that I have two different colored eyes. Which happens to be a great pick up for the ladies.

Musically, where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

Hopefully the future has bigger shows, more albums, more fans, more touring. dogs humping Dave, me humping dogs, and Vince doing the crab dance. We always try new things while still playing the music we love with roots in punk, but in 10 yrs we might be playing music that gives people a feeling they have never felt before and really inspires them!

Myspace or Facebook?

I think at present myspace has better features and opportunites for bands to spread the word about themselves. But, Facebook is catching up.

Views: 76

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

One thought on “Myspace Interview – Hero’s for Hire

  • fucking awesome. where can i see more from these guys. lets get some shoes. MTAW!

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