
Power Pyramid Supreme

Power Pyramid Supreme
Power Pyramid Supreme

Originally written J.A. Laraque for Evergeek

While controller recharging solutions abound, Konnet is one of the few vendors to cater to tech heads and core gamers that happen to own two new-generation consoles, namely a PlayStation3 (PS3) and an Xbox 360 both, each with a couple of controllers.

The Power Pyramid, as the name suggests, is a charging station shaped like a miniature Egyptian tourist attraction… well, a post-modern, nouveau-technologieartistic interpretation of a step-pyramid with a pair of prongs sticking out of two opposing sides, anyway.

It’s available as either a four controller cradle for PS3 or Xbox 360, or as a two-each cradle for both controller types in one unit, dubbed the Power Pyramid Supreme (reviewed here).

Powered through an AC adapter that snakes discreetly out of the base of the unit, the Power Pyramid will charge each controller from empty to full in a couple of hours, all at the same time, if need be. With Konnet’s “Intelligent Protection System,” moreover, it will stop trying to charge fully charged devices, so no worries of “Vampire” power drains or overloads, with the Pyramid simply storing the controllers openly like so much tech-deco art.

An array of LED lights, meanwhile, glow red when charging, blue when done, completing the Egyptian sci-fi motif.

In an odd take on “console wars,” but really for symmetry’s sake, presumably, the docking cradles hold a PS3 controller on top of the Xbox 360 slot on both sides. Seeing as the Xbox 360’s controllers are bigger than the PS3’s, the thing would look lopsided if four controller were mounted head to head.

Being a pyramid-shaped Pyramid, the device’s natural sturdiness is augmented by four slim rubber feet so it doesn’t slide around if shoved or knocked accidently. The out-jetting prongs that hold the controllers are similarly reliable, holding them firmly if jostled but not ferociously, if you just want to yank one out to play with.

Konnet sells the Power Pyramid Supreme for $50 online, but some dealers are selling it for less – about $40 if you shop around. Either way, it’s a pretty good deal considering you get a double duty charger taking up the space and power consumption needs of one.

There have been reports on some units where the PS3 docking ports stopped working, though Konnet’s customer service asserts that the fault was with a specific batch of units and will replace any defective Pyramids as needed.

Otherwise, the Power Pyramid Supreme is a solid, stable and efficient charging solution that will also cradle and display your double whammy gamer gear with a little bit of style.

Views: 512

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

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