Double Dragon 2
This is definitely the best double dragon game for the NES. I personally had a horrible time with double dragon 3 because of the difficulty and well, one life! They got a lot of things wrong that they did right in part 2. Anyways, double dragon 2 is one huge masterpiece with a great cooperative play with a friend gameplay. Playing with yourself as bad as it may sound, it’s OK but playing with a friend is a hell of a lot of fun! Just think about it! You can also pick between game A or B which simply means if you want to be able to hit your buddy or not. I like hitting my friend!
The game is very complete and challenging as well. There are about eight missions to go through and they all come with very unique scenery. You are also given continues to help you continue through your quest. If you play the game enough though, even at the hardest mode, you’ll be able to beat the game with ease. All your friends(foes) from the first double dragon are back well at least the ones I remembered.
I can’t tell you how many times I played this game with my brother and we surely didn’t got tired of it. Well, we did until Super Double Dragon was released! So that’s about it, until next week!
Views: 3198
So much better than part 3.
Part 3 was so painful…