
Classic Video Game Cereals

Nintendo cereal was introduced in 1989 and did not last very long. It was also created by Ralston and featured fruit flavored Mario’s, Mushrooms and Gooma’s and Berry-flavored Links, Hearts and Shields. The cereal featured posters, discounts on Nintendo Power and even the chance to win an NES.~J.A. Laraque

Classic Video Game Cereals

It was like a ritual. Saturday morning we would wake up earlier than any other day of the week. It was all about Saturday morning cartoons and what better way to enjoy them than with some sugary cereal preferably with colored marshmallows.  For the most part I ate the popular ones like Captain Crunch, Lucky Charms and Frosted Flakes, but when I began playing video games and saw they had cereals for them I had to try them out.


Looking back now most of those cereals were exactly the same, in fact many were just like Lucky Charms; there would be normal pieces made of corn or something and marshmallow pieces in the shape of whatever game. At the time it was the best breakfast ever, now I look back at the box art and advertising.


pac-man cereal

General Mills introduced this cereal in 1983 after Pac-Man took the world by storm. It was made in the same template as Lucky Charms; it had crunchy sweetened corn cereal with marshmallow bits and the marshmallows were shaped like Pac-Man, Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde.

What’s funny is not only were there tons of specials you could order or find in the box, but they had coupons that you can still find today. Later the cereal introduced pink Ms. Pac-Man pieces and big Super Pac-Man pieces.

Donkey Kong Jr.

Donkey Kong Jr cereal

Made by Ralston-Purina, yes, the cat food company, Donkey Kong Jr cereal was a lot like Fruit Loops where the pieces were fruit shaped and tasted sweet. DK Jr cereal offered prizes like baseball cards and game books that you could find inside.


Nintendo Cereal

The company so big it had its own cereal featuring two of its greatest stars. Nintendo cereal was introduced in 1989 and did not last very long. It was also created by Ralston and featured fruit flavored Mario’s, Mushrooms and Gooma’s and Berry-flavored Links, Hearts and Shields. The cereal featured posters, discounts on Nintendo Power and even the chance to win an NES.



Ok, this isn’t a real cereal, but Sonic did appear in a Cheerios commercial back in the day and many of us wish there was a Sonic brand cereal. This box art was created by QuiksilverZero and it looks pretty cool. I really wish they made this. I guess we will have to settle for Sonic and the Honey Bee working together.

Views: 521

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

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