
You don't get the show

You don’t get the show #3: Let me tell you about being a crackhead

We also discuss a troll that got bitch slapped by a Blizzard employee on their own forums they cried about being banned for no reason and claimed Blizzard didn’t read the chat logs. Well they do and the Blizzard employee proved it by posted them and laying the smackdown on the troll. Speaking of smackdown, we give a little bit of a smackdown to Game Rant for claiming it was a Overwatch article when it was clearly a Heroes of the Storm article. Can we say clickbait?

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You don't get the show

You don’t get the show 1: We’re like school on Saturday…no class

J.A. talks about the lady in League of Legends who was totally down with a three-way with him and his girlfriend sight unseen because “Love don’t got no eyes.”
We also learn that you can find real legitimate gameplay video on sexy sites which not only confused J.A. but wait till you hear why he was on those sexy sites to begin with.
Now the show isn’t complete without “normal” gaming news so the guys talked about Blizzards meeting with Nostalrius the group behind the WOW legacy servers.

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I’m Becoming A Korean (Gamer)

On a serious note, much during my internet down time I got to read the Master of Orion 2 manual A LOT and it made me really sad that they no longer make 200 page user manuals like that that were actually worth reading and it also made me really sad that Microprose (probably my favorite game company) has been dead for a long time. They sure don’t make them like that anymore! Klackons FTW!

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