
Modern PC Gaming

The Lord of the Rings Online Shadows of Angmar

Truth is, I could go on and ramble about a thousand other little things, you know, if only to come up with the mother of all blog-based reviews, and I wouldn’t have even managed to scratch the surface of what a magnificent beast LotRO is. Things like the recent Solstice Festival, the raising difficulty of quest as one progresses eastward, destiny points, the amazingly detailed beginner’s quests (instanced) & areas, the sheer number of available emotes, the immensely helpful community are all there for you to discover, but -as expected- not all is perfect. LotRO is still very young by MMORPG terms.

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Jeffery Lee: TQ Digital

All of the games above are well designed in balance and they have a high strategy requirement if you want to play them well. Comparing to other games, their in-game graphics were the best when they were released, I was always enmeshed in those games and I often took several hours’ playing on the without interruption.

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