good old games


We Interview Chris Avellone From Obsidian Entertainment: Part 2

Well, in terms of influential yet obscure, that cuts a lot of games out – I feel a lot of the more common games have had a big influence on my designs (Portal, Chronotrigger, Ultima Underworld). If I were to name some “obscure” ones, I’d probably say System Shock 2 is the top of the list (it’s basically a design doc for how to make a great game), Amnesia: The Dark Descent for introducing a challenge mechanism that could simultaneously terrify you, Bastion’s narration mechanics, and Wasteland for proving to me how you could use game mechanics in the context of a “conventional” RPG to make some truly brilliant levels if you took a step back and thought outside the box.

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The Interview: Good Old Games

We are gamers ourselves and in most cases we played those games back when they were released, so we keep a special place in our hearts for those titles. Our goal from the very beginning was to bring those great games back to gamers, both the older ones who already played them and the new generation of gamers who never had a chance to get their hands on those.

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The Music Hall

Descent 2 Music

I remember when I first saw the first Descent while I was in high school I thought that it was light years ahead of Doom and other FPS games that were popular at the time like Duke Nukem 3D. Although they kind of faded into obscurity the Descent series always had a special place in my heart for causing epilepsy and nausea in its players.

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GOG: Age of Wonders Half Off

If you are a fan of the Age of Wonder series you can now pick up three different games for half off. Starting at $2.99 to $4.999 you can own the original Age of Wonders, Age of Wonders 2: The wizard’s thrown and Age of wonders: shadow magic.

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GOG: Rebellion titles up to 50% off

Feel like collecting some classic games? Well this weekend you can save a bundle on Rebellion titles at Good Ol Games. They have titles starting from $2.99 to $4.99 including: Ground Control, Empire Earth and Lords of Magic. The promotion is only for this weekend so if you are interested hit it up now.

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GOG Sale – Master of Magic

The grand daddy of Magic meets Civilization games (literally) is finally available on Good Old Games for $5.99. This game had many improvements over the original Civilization 1, that we now see in modern games, and the later sequels of Civilization.

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