funny terms

Game Reviews

New Term: The Cape Horn Massacre

We will abduct all members of the horn cult while still in their cars, and transport them to Cape Horn at the ass end of South America. We will then put them in an arena together, and unleash the holy tripods of light. Using a massive horn, and deadly heat ray, the tripods will massacre all members of the horn cult, thus removing them from the human gene pool. This shall be known as The Cape Horn Massacre.

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Game Reviews

New Terms: Sneeze Apnea

Similar in nature to the Walgreens’ Pit of despair, the wailing caverns, as such, is the space between your center console and car seat, to which no artifact or expedition ever returns. Example: today my coworker gave me a white/milk chocolate concoction. This is acceptable as the milk chocolate is accompanied by it’s aryan brother, white chocolate. Ebony and ivory, etc.

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Game Reviews

New Terms: Kodak Kathy

She will do anything to get the perfect shot. Butt in front of you, kick high harry, etc…Kodak Kathy has a short term memory and thus must take pictures of everything to remember the good times. Little does she know, she wont remember the concert, just taking pictures of it. Usually spotted with camera held high in the air, pushing her way to the front of the stage to get that perfect shot, pissing off everyone in her warpath.

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Game Reviews


Everyone has encountered this. Everyone. AS SUCH, when you are watching youtube, hulu, or whatever, one video will be really quiet. so you have to turn up the volume. However, the next video will be SRGEYTE$WYHERNRT%EYB#V #GHER% N^BWV$WTW YHG#$ $%E&BYVY$%WYV%RHREHYB$WGY%$VHE$TBGE%YBVR%HB$EYD% RY$WEYGRDG$%WEYH$W%H.

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