e3 2011


I’m Becoming A Korean (Gamer)

On a serious note, much during my internet down time I got to read the Master of Orion 2 manual A LOT and it made me really sad that they no longer make 200 page user manuals like that that were actually worth reading and it also made me really sad that Microprose (probably my favorite game company) has been dead for a long time. They sure don’t make them like that anymore! Klackons FTW!

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E3 2011: My E3 Guide

If you are media/press, pick up every free bag of goodies they give you. The best stuff I got was from World of Tanks, which gave me a bunch of toy tanks, a special bag, a World of Tanks T-Shirt, mouse pad, and special game bag, as far as the main floor went, and the biggest gift I got was from Topware which gave me a Collector’s Edition of Two Worlds 2 and a ton of T-shirts. Even if you don’t like a game, who knows, a friend of yours might like it! If you have a gaming website, some of this swag would be great to giveaway in the form of a contest.

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Arcade Works: The Omega Entertainment Machine

Retro gaming is incredibly important today. There’s a huge market of underserved retro gamers who are not looking for the next Call of Duty. Maybe they don’t want to deal with playing online, or they just want something less involved. Whatever the case is, they’ve basically been disenfranchised by the extreme focus on huge titles. This makes sense of course for the big studios, who need to target large audiences, but that still leaves a market unfulfilled.

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The Obsolete Gamer Show: E3 Rocks, Jimmy Kimmel Sucks

This week we talked about our trip to E3 2011 and the various games and products we saw while at the convention. We also discussed how while E3 is awesome it can grow old pretty quick. There was a little Wii 2 hate to be had as we discussed its lack of Blu-Ray, but the most hate came from my story of going to the horrible Jimmy Kimmel show and being given a potato. All in all a pretty funny show.

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E3 2011: Classic Gaming Museum

They had what I called a 80’s living room complete with a couch, a radiation level 6 television and an Atari 2600 and best of all you could sit down and play. Now, while I was still just a baby when the 2600 launched I remember setups that looked exactly like this.

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The Obsolete Gamer Show: Pre-E3 2011

This week we had a full house as we went over some of the things we are looking forward to at this year’s E3. We began first with a few news items that were posted on our Facebook page. One of the news items talked about married men divorcing their wives to play World of Warcraft and the other was about Chinese prisoners being forced to play World of Warcraft, we felt marriage, prison and W.O.W. went together perfectly.

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