

Community Profile: Meet A Gamer

What is gaming? Just kidding, I’ve been gaming since I was a really little kid started off playing Mario Bros series on the original Nintendo, when you had to blow into the cartridge of the game to get it to play. And I was really addicted to Excitebike that game had me going for hours. I finally moved on to Super Nintendo, Sega, and now the next generation consoles. I am really into the Call of Duty series now. I’ve tried out the Wii and Playstation 3 but it really isn’t for me. Those two consoles are collecting tons of dust right now!

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My Own Misconceptions of the Word Mature (Warning: This gets mature, guys.)

Giving the server a chance, I decided to join and play some 2Fort with them. After a few minutes I noticed there was one player probably no older than fifteen years old screaming about how no one was helping him on his team. He continued to rant how if he weren’t playing no one would get the job done. The player came to the belief that everyone was not helping him on purpose. As expected online, the admins and tagged members of this community jokingly said that they all banded together just to make his life difficult in this map. Noting that they had a joking demeanor, I decided when I saw an opening I was going to poke fun. The kid began to scream on the mic that a chunk of the wall was missing. I noted that one of the members of the community replied in the following fashion, “Stop being such a bitch!”

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