Game Reviews

Surprise, FOX cancels a ton of shows


I guess this should not surprise me anymore since Fox is notorious for axing shows within weeks even if they have a chance to be good, but one of the shows, The Chicago Code did surprise me. The Chicago code was made by the makers of the shield and perhaps that statement alone is why the show did not make it. I personally thought it was a great show, but the ratings were low and it got the axe.

Another show getting cut was the human target which is based off of the comic book series of the same name. Somehow I knew from day one this would get canceled because the premise of the ultimate body guard and protector works well in a comic book, not so well on television. I swear that guy should have stayed on fringe.

As for the other shows, the comedy, Breaking in and Traffic Light, I did not watch these, but I hear that Breaking In was pretty funny. Lie to Me also got the axe and I never understood why that show lasted as long as it did except for the fact that it filled in for other shows.

Here is some good news. For fans of Bones a new spinoff called, The Finder has a green light. For you JJ Abrams fans his new show Alcatraz has made it through the storm, let’s home it’s not another “Undercovers”.

Finally, Seth McFarlane still has Fox by the balls so we all get to enjoy Family Guy some more and tolerate The Cleveland Show.


Views: 114

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

2 thoughts on “Surprise, FOX cancels a ton of shows

  • dude…
    Lie to Me was awesome – how could you not like it?
    Human Target had more action than any other show i’ve seen on tv. i loved it.
    I still watch Bones weekly but it’s gotten really boring. It’s the same format/story every week. They need to mix it up some more!

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