
Scambaiter – talkmebabe – Talk to Me

talkmebabe (we could only assume they meant to pick the user name talktomebabe) is another person who randomly contacted me via Yahoo Messenger, but instead of wanting to give me their undying love I was going to be offered a brilliant part time job.

(12:51:30 PM) talkmebabe: Are U Intrested In a Part-time Job Offer 
(12:51:49 PM) c64glen: maybe, tell me more about it
(12:53:25 PM) talkmebabe: First off all  i will like to know your asl and Am 28/female / England, london, I work for  BenMarvic Textiles company Inc. in uk
(12:53:56 PM) c64glen: 32/m/North East, England
(12:56:51 PM) talkmebabe: Our main factory is located in Uk were we extract the raw materials need for the manufacturing of fabrics
(12:57:00 PM) c64glen: so what do I do?
(12:57:35 PM) talkmebabe: We manufacture duvets,pillows,bedlinen, covers, mink blankets, satin bedspread.
(1:00:20 PM) c64glen: aye, so what do I do?
(1:01:04 PM) talkmebabe: These are the main Products which we manufacture and supply to our customers to our customers out there in the states
(1:01:16 PM) talkmebabe: So we are looking for a representative in the states, someone who would help us recieve payments from our customers in the states.
(1:01:16 PM) c64glen: aye, so what do I do?
(1:01:35 PM) talkmebabe: My customers will pay in money for the products they bought to you through your EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT ACCOUNT. You will be receiving the payment through your Equity Line of Credit to maintain trust on both ends. With your line of credit, it will show that you received some funds and also that you don’t get away with the company fund.  
(1:01:55 PM) c64glen: boring, cut to the chase please
(1:03:33 PM) talkmebabe: After you receive the funds, you withdraw it and send the money to the Branch which will be provided to you. You will be getting 10% of any money transferred to you for working with the company. Efficiency and honesty is required in this business. 
(1:04:22 PM) c64glen: so how is that a part time job?
(1:04:38 PM) talkmebabe: Wht Do u mean  
(1:05:08 PM) talkmebabe: Man If U want to Work Then let get Start and Stop This Question 
(1:05:33 PM) c64glen: stop asking questions? 
(1:05:55 PM) talkmebabe: Wht u Ask Don Make Any Meaning 
(1:06:57 PM) c64glen: “Wht u Ask Don Make Any Meaning ” has no meaning. 
(1:07:20 PM) c64glen: If you are supposed to be English, try and learn the language. 
(1:07:44 PM) talkmebabe: ok
(1:08:04 PM) c64glen: so, how many people fall for this?

You really can’t stress that enough; if you are pretending to be English, don’t type like a Nigerian scammer.

Views: 80

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

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