Scambaiter: SandraThompson205: Part 5
(7:07:38 PM) sandrathompson205: hello sweet heart
(7:07:49 PM) sandrathompson205: how are you doing today
(7:08:01 PM) c64glen: Hey Sandra!
(7:08:46 PM) sandrathompson205: Glen how are you?hope everything is fine with you
(7:09:34 PM) c64glen: yes, all is good. How about you?
(7:10:11 PM) sandrathompson205: good too,only am bothering about this consigment
(7:10:55 PM) c64glen: Is that thing I emailed about?
(7:11:05 PM) c64glen: because the bloke I emailed didn’t seem too bright
(7:11:19 PM) sandrathompson205: yes
(7:14:28 PM) c64glen: right. so what’s the deal again?
(7:17:50 PM) sandrathompson205: the lawyer told me he send you message to provide yr data as my beneficiary which you never did
(7:19:16 PM) c64glen: I didn’t get any email….
(7:19:28 PM) c64glen: I sent that Emu bloke an email, he was all like
(7:19:37 PM) c64glen: OMG WTF? NOOB?!!!111one
(7:19:42 PM) sandrathompson205: check yr mail very well dear
(7:20:14 PM) sandrathompson205: what is that,OMG WTF NOOB
(7:22:49 PM) c64glen: Hey is that a new picture of you?
(7:23:23 PM) sandrathompson205: yep
(7:23:39 PM) c64glen: Cool. SEND ME MOAR!!!
(7:24:46 PM) sandrathompson205: k
(7:25:10 PM) c64glen: to and I will check for your lawyer email…
(7:27:51 PM) c64glen: tell me when you had sent email…
(7:28:01 PM) sandrathompson205: ok
(7:28:28 PM) sandrathompson205: but did you the email i sent to you previous
(7:28:43 PM) c64glen: what?
(7:28:54 PM) c64glen: the whole coke bottle?
(7:31:41 PM) c64glen: Just tell me when you’ve sent the mail
(7:32:13 PM) sandrathompson205: ok
(7:38:30 PM) c64glen: well? Where are the pics?
(7:39:24 PM) sandrathompson205: wait 1min
(7:46:11 PM) c64glen: ok, it’s now 21 minutes and counting…
(7:46:37 PM) sandrathompson205: my computer is not bootin well
(7:46:54 PM) sandrathompson205: am trying to attach it now ok
(7:47:43 PM) c64glen: ok, hurry. I’ve need to knock one out.
(7:53:35 PM) sandrathompson205: i have sent it now
(7:54:40 PM) c64glen: ok, these are great. You’ve changed quite a bit
(7:56:39 PM) sandrathompson205: i have to go to bed now
(7:56:46 PM) c64glen: However there is only three of them, and you have all your clothes on…..
(7:56:55 PM) sandrathompson205: pls reply the lawyer
(7:57:15 PM) sandrathompson205: oh you wanted the naked one
(7:57:33 PM) sandrathompson205: then you have to do what iwant you to first
(7:57:41 PM) c64glen: right ok.
(7:57:49 PM) c64glen: so what do I send to the layer?
(7:58:21 PM) c64glen: Coz he had swine Flu
(7:59:11 PM) c64glen: or something
(7:59:14 PM) sandrathompson205: he nedd your full name,yr address,your contact number
(7:59:41 PM) sandrathompson205: will stop this mess and listen to me man
(8:01:02 PM) sandrathompson205: i have to go now
(8:01:13 PM) sandrathompson205: am feeling sleepin ok
(8:01:21 PM) sandrathompson205: talk to you tommorow
(8:01:28 PM) sandrathompson205: love you and bye
(8:01:43 PM) c64glen: ok, good bye. I love it
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