Game Reviews

Scambaiter: SandraThompson205: Part 5

scam alert
(7:07:38 PM) sandrathompson205: hello sweet heart
(7:07:49 PM) sandrathompson205: how are you doing today
(7:08:01 PM) c64glen: Hey Sandra!
(7:08:46 PM) sandrathompson205: Glen how are you?hope everything is fine with you
(7:09:34 PM) c64glen: yes, all is good. How about you?
(7:10:11 PM) sandrathompson205: good too,only am bothering about this consigment
(7:10:55 PM) c64glen: Is that thing I emailed about?
(7:11:05 PM) c64glen: because the bloke I emailed didn’t seem too bright
(7:11:19 PM) sandrathompson205: yes
(7:14:28 PM) c64glen: right. so what’s the deal again?
(7:17:50 PM) sandrathompson205: the lawyer told me he send you message to provide yr data as my beneficiary which you never did
(7:19:16 PM) c64glen: I didn’t get any email….
(7:19:28 PM) c64glen: I sent that Emu bloke an email, he was all like
(7:19:37 PM) c64glen: OMG WTF? NOOB?!!!111one
(7:19:42 PM) sandrathompson205: check yr mail very well dear
(7:20:14 PM) sandrathompson205: what is that,OMG WTF NOOB
(7:22:49 PM) c64glen: Hey is that a new picture of you?
(7:23:23 PM) sandrathompson205: yep
(7:23:39 PM) c64glen: Cool. SEND ME MOAR!!!
(7:24:46 PM) sandrathompson205: k
(7:25:10 PM) c64glen: to and I will check for your lawyer email…
(7:27:51 PM) c64glen: tell me when you had sent email…
(7:28:01 PM) sandrathompson205: ok
(7:28:28 PM) sandrathompson205: but did you the email i sent to you previous
(7:28:43 PM) c64glen: what?
(7:28:54 PM) c64glen: the whole coke bottle?
(7:31:41 PM) c64glen: Just tell me when you’ve sent the mail
(7:32:13 PM) sandrathompson205: ok
(7:38:30 PM) c64glen: well? Where are the pics?
(7:39:24 PM) sandrathompson205: wait 1min
(7:46:11 PM) c64glen: ok, it’s now 21 minutes and counting…
(7:46:37 PM) sandrathompson205: my computer is not bootin well
(7:46:54 PM) sandrathompson205: am trying to attach it now ok
(7:47:43 PM) c64glen: ok, hurry. I’ve need to knock one out.
(7:53:35 PM) sandrathompson205: i have sent it now
(7:54:40 PM) c64glen: ok, these are great. You’ve changed quite a bit
(7:56:39 PM) sandrathompson205: i have to go to bed now
(7:56:46 PM) c64glen: However there is only three of them, and you have all your clothes on…..
(7:56:55 PM) sandrathompson205: pls reply the lawyer
(7:57:15 PM) sandrathompson205: oh you wanted the naked one
(7:57:33 PM) sandrathompson205: then you have to do what iwant you to first
(7:57:41 PM) c64glen: right ok.
(7:57:49 PM) c64glen: so what do I send to the layer?
(7:58:21 PM) c64glen: Coz he had swine Flu
(7:59:11 PM) c64glen: or something
(7:59:14 PM) sandrathompson205: he nedd your full name,yr address,your contact number
(7:59:41 PM) sandrathompson205: will stop this mess and listen to me man
(8:01:02 PM) sandrathompson205: i have to go now
(8:01:13 PM) sandrathompson205: am feeling sleepin ok
(8:01:21 PM) sandrathompson205: talk to you tommorow
(8:01:28 PM) sandrathompson205: love you and bye
(8:01:43 PM) c64glen: ok, good bye. I love it

Views: 75

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

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