Game Reviews

Scambaiter – Bimpe – The Return

Bimpe was a scammer I’d spoke to before, but said she didn’t love me anymore after a disagreement over an Elephant. This time she had some to forgotten all about that.

[17:38] bimpe: Hello hun
[17:39] bimpe: How u doing today?
[17:39] Glen: I am good, how are you.
[17:39] bimpe: Im doing great? Where u now?
[17:40] bimpe: im in west africa now doing some workand u?
[17:40] Glen: I am at home, I just my computer working again.
[17:40] Glen: I am in England

[17:40] bimpe: Okie cool. hun i could like u to come olver here in west africa cos im really stuck here
[17:41] Glen: You are stuck?
[17:41] bimpe: yes hun… really hard…that’s why i need u to come and get me out of here….cos i own the hotel manager some money which i can afford
[17:42] bimpe: so…im just really upset
[17:43] Glen: oh that is bad. Why do you owe the money?
[17:44] bimpe: I stay here with him and he seize my visa and travel document that’s why i could nt be back to nothingham
[17:44] bimpe: since last 7 month…
[17:44] bimpe: beside all the goods i want to sell cost about 4,900$ all the document of the Goods ‘re with him
[17:45] bimpe: and i dont have any money to pay him so i can get all the document back…he is just playing me …and i dont want that..
[17:45] Glen: oh that is very bad…
[17:45] Glen: you want me to come over and smash his face in..?

[17:47] bimpe: Wow….u understand what i mean hun
[17:47] bimpe: u so intelligent 
[17:47] bimpe: so how is work and england?
[17:47] Glen: All is good, I am doing all the stuff
[17:48] bimpe: hun can u call him so u can talk to him concerning the money i own him hun
[17:48] bimpe: cos i will be paying this bill next week tuesday okie the bill is about 570$ so it left to u okie
[17:48] Glen: I will not do much talking.
[17:48] Glen: I will hurt him good.

[17:49] bimpe: okie….hun can u email him?
[17:50] Glen: what do I tell him?
[17:50] bimpe: may be i shd give u his email address cos he will reply u soon as posible cos he is always with his laptop
[17:50] Glen: yes, that is good idea.
[17:50] bimpe: the payment
[17:50] Glen: I will pay him with many kicks to the lungs
[17:51] bimpe: sure?
[17:51] Glen: I will eat his arms off
[17:51] bimpe: sure
[17:51] bimpe: are u still single hun?
[17:52] Glen: I am very single
[17:52] bimpe: and how is work 
[17:52] Glen: I still think of you all the time.
[17:52] Glen: Perhaps you could send me your pic, I lost the last one

[17:53] bimpe: okie hun…
[17:53] bimpe: me too i think of u all the time
[17:53] bimpe: cos im always honey all day and night
[17:53] Glen: tell me more….
[17:54] bimpe: sure?
[17:54] Glen: yes, I want to hear more…
[17:55] bimpe: im here looking for fair, kind, decent and cheerful for the man which in the future it becomes possible my husband. I the nice cheerful and charming woman to whom has bothered to be one. I search for the one to whom I can present the tenderness and love. I the interesting and individual woman. I love sports, tourism and reading of interesting historical novels. 
[17:56] bimpe: I search for the one to whom I can present the tenderness and love. I am honest, loyal, faithful, trusting, kind, caring, loving and fun, with a compassionate and generous nature. Some time I have a wild adventurous side of me, I definitely have morals and integrity but some time its guide my behavior in some ways or another,im always single all my life looking for thr right and the honest man..
[17:56] bimpe: who will always take care of me….I don’t play games with a person heart or their feelings. I am very ambitious and intelligent, I also have a wonderful attitude about life. I have a wonderful sense of humor. 
[17:57] Glen: yes, that is all very good
[17:57] bimpe: I can easily adapt to most situations. I love to travel, explore new things, catch a movie, or read a book, I love listen to variety of music, I enjoy in sharing a meaningful, intimate conversation with my partner. I believe in communication, honest, trust and respect are very important in any relationship I’m involved in.
[17:57] Glen: so what are you like in bed?
[17:57] bimpe: and u re that man
[17:57] bimpe: just lonely
[17:57] bimpe: some times i do watch movies when im lonely
[17:57] bimpe: so i think u could have to talk to him weel
[17:58] Glen: what movies?
[17:59] bimpe: sex
[17:59] bimpe: u shd expect me to watch that when i dont see any man beside me
[17:59] bimpe: i wish im with u hun
[18:00] Glen: yes, what do you do when you watch movie?
[18:00] bimpe: just play with my self hun
[18:01] Glen: tell me more
[18:01] bimpe: hun i just cant hun i wanna be with u

I think she loves me again.

Views: 125

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

One thought on “Scambaiter – Bimpe – The Return

  • [17:51] Glen: I will eat his arms off

    Stunning. I shall use that threat from now on.

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