Scambaiter – Bimpe – The Return
Bimpe was a scammer I’d spoke to before, but said she didn’t love me anymore after a disagreement over an Elephant. This time she had some to forgotten all about that.
[17:38] bimpe: Hello hun
[17:39] bimpe: How u doing today?
[17:39] Glen: I am good, how are you.
[17:39] bimpe: Im doing great? Where u now?
[17:40] bimpe: im in west africa now doing some workand u?
[17:40] Glen: I am at home, I just my computer working again.
[17:40] Glen: I am in England
[17:40] bimpe: Okie cool. hun i could like u to come olver here in west africa cos im really stuck here
[17:41] Glen: You are stuck?
[17:41] bimpe: yes hun… really hard…that’s why i need u to come and get me out of here….cos i own the hotel manager some money which i can afford
[17:42] bimpe: so…im just really upset
[17:43] Glen: oh that is bad. Why do you owe the money?
[17:44] bimpe: I stay here with him and he seize my visa and travel document that’s why i could nt be back to nothingham
[17:44] bimpe: since last 7 month…
[17:44] bimpe: beside all the goods i want to sell cost about 4,900$ all the document of the Goods ‘re with him
[17:45] bimpe: and i dont have any money to pay him so i can get all the document back…he is just playing me …and i dont want that..
[17:45] Glen: oh that is very bad…
[17:45] Glen: you want me to come over and smash his face in..?
[17:47] bimpe: Wow….u understand what i mean hun
[17:47] bimpe: u so intelligent
[17:47] bimpe: so how is work and england?
[17:47] Glen: All is good, I am doing all the stuff
[17:48] bimpe: hun can u call him so u can talk to him concerning the money i own him hun
[17:48] bimpe: cos i will be paying this bill next week tuesday okie the bill is about 570$ so it left to u okie
[17:48] Glen: I will not do much talking.
[17:48] Glen: I will hurt him good.
[17:49] bimpe: okie….hun can u email him?
[17:50] Glen: what do I tell him?
[17:50] bimpe: may be i shd give u his email address cos he will reply u soon as posible cos he is always with his laptop
[17:50] Glen: yes, that is good idea.
[17:50] bimpe: the payment
[17:50] Glen: I will pay him with many kicks to the lungs
[17:51] bimpe: sure?
[17:51] Glen: I will eat his arms off
[17:51] bimpe: sure
[17:51] bimpe: are u still single hun?
[17:52] Glen: I am very single
[17:52] bimpe: and how is work
[17:52] Glen: I still think of you all the time.
[17:52] Glen: Perhaps you could send me your pic, I lost the last one
[17:53] bimpe: okie hun…
[17:53] bimpe: me too i think of u all the time
[17:53] bimpe: cos im always honey all day and night
[17:53] Glen: tell me more….
[17:54] bimpe: sure?
[17:54] Glen: yes, I want to hear more…
[17:55] bimpe: im here looking for fair, kind, decent and cheerful for the man which in the future it becomes possible my husband. I the nice cheerful and charming woman to whom has bothered to be one. I search for the one to whom I can present the tenderness and love. I the interesting and individual woman. I love sports, tourism and reading of interesting historical novels.
[17:56] bimpe: I search for the one to whom I can present the tenderness and love. I am honest, loyal, faithful, trusting, kind, caring, loving and fun, with a compassionate and generous nature. Some time I have a wild adventurous side of me, I definitely have morals and integrity but some time its guide my behavior in some ways or another,im always single all my life looking for thr right and the honest man..
[17:56] bimpe: who will always take care of me….I don’t play games with a person heart or their feelings. I am very ambitious and intelligent, I also have a wonderful attitude about life. I have a wonderful sense of humor.
[17:57] Glen: yes, that is all very good
[17:57] bimpe: I can easily adapt to most situations. I love to travel, explore new things, catch a movie, or read a book, I love listen to variety of music, I enjoy in sharing a meaningful, intimate conversation with my partner. I believe in communication, honest, trust and respect are very important in any relationship I’m involved in.
[17:57] Glen: so what are you like in bed?
[17:57] bimpe: and u re that man
[17:57] bimpe: just lonely
[17:57] bimpe: some times i do watch movies when im lonely
[17:57] bimpe: so i think u could have to talk to him weel
[17:58] Glen: what movies?
[17:59] bimpe: sex
[17:59] bimpe: u shd expect me to watch that when i dont see any man beside me
[17:59] bimpe: i wish im with u hun
[18:00] Glen: yes, what do you do when you watch movie?
[18:00] bimpe: just play with my self hun
[18:01] Glen: tell me more
[18:01] bimpe: hun i just cant hun i wanna be with u
I think she loves me again.
Views: 125
[17:51] Glen: I will eat his arms off
Stunning. I shall use that threat from now on.