
Ristar: Free on Dotemu


Fans of the classic Sega Genesis platformer can get their hands on Ristar for free thanks to DotEmu. The evil tyrant Greedy holds the galaxy of Valdi under a reign of terror, spreading misery and darkness, but from the depths of space comes Ristar, a shining shooting star who is destined for greatness. Only his special powers can restore happiness to the solar system once again.

Here are the key features from the game:

> A game with original and zany situations

> A difficulty that increases progressively

> An inspired and original level design

> Action, puzzle and strategy are combined in Ristar


Now I played this back in the day and loved the style. The game really excels in its soundtrack that features catchy tunes and themes and the boss music is pretty awesome as well. Most of the game involves jumping, swinging and bashing enemies’ against your head as you make your way towards the boss. However, Ristar features a lot of cool puzzles and secret areas to discovery and there is real strategy involved in the gameplay.


With the DotEmu package you can choose to play in windowed mode or full screen with several resolution options so it will play on pretty much any system. Like emulators, you can save the game at any point which is a pretty awesome feature. The game plays just like the original and you can use keyboard controls or connect a joystick. I use the Xbox 360 controller which was automatically detected by the program.


Normally for $2.99 you can get Ristar free (as well as DRM free) for a limited time so get it now and tell them Obsolete Gamer sent you.

Views: 338

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

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