
Game Scans: The Hobbit

The Hobbit X Spectrum box cover 2

The Hobbit, excellent Tolkien-based text adventure for the ZX Spectrum, released in 1982. Developed by Beam Software.
The Hobbit Spectrum loading screenthe hobbit screenshot zx spectrum

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Konstantinos Dimopoulos

Hi, my name is Gnome, a.k.a Konstantinos and I own the blog Gnome's Lair which is all about gaming in all of its many and varied guises. It is thus about computer & video games, old games, new games, indie games, adventure games, free games, board games, ludology, game creation, RPGs, books on games, games on books, and well the theory of and in games.

9 thoughts on “Game Scans: The Hobbit

  • Man! I couldn't imagine doing the game art back then.. Wasn't all done with the keyboard..?

    Getting back on blogger to do my updates and make it easier to blog with friends in such..

    This is where I will be:

    Just putting it together now.

    -talk soon!

  • Hmm, I wonder what a "super-program" is?

  • Hey, the cover says "hobbit", but that's clearly a dragon!

  • @Deitrix:
    "Wasn't all done with the keyboard..?"

    In this case graphics were generated as a result of sequence of simple graphic commands in Basic, as far as I can recall. You know, "draw line from 0,0 to 120,70; draw another line from 120,70 to 80,60; draw circle at…; fill with colour" and so on. It was very slow because of that – when player entered location with image, he (or she) had to wait for slow drawing to complete!

  • Yep, when I did graphics on the Acorn Electron, I used to draw it out on graph paper and then plot the points using screen co-ordinates. For Speccy artists the real ball-ache must have been figuring out the colours, while allowing for attributes (ie only two colours [including white and black] per 8×8 character block)

  • Yep, when I did graphics on the Acorn Electron, I used to draw it out on graph paper and then plot the points using screen co-ordinates. For Speccy artists the real ball-ache must have been figuring out the colours, while allowing for attributes (ie only two colours [including white and black] per 8×8 character block)

  • @ Deitrix: Actually these graphics were mostly programmed I believe, though I can't be absolutely sure. Oh, and it's lovely having you back in a more traditional blogging way 🙂

    @ Rubes: Well, it's definitely something with hobbits in it I suppose. For an ueber program, I guess we'll have to wait for 3D Vespers 😉

    @ Ilya: Fair point! But Smaug is so adorable…

    @ Barts: Ahh, thank you for clearing things up my friend. That was what I suspected myself.

    @ Stickhead: You did Electron graphics? Please do show us… And I think I'll be attempting to use your technique pretty soon.

  • Simply amazing!
    These guys are truly in a league of their own.. Even a stick figure sounds tough.

    I wonder if theres any art sites out there for them..?

  • Oh, worry not. Most adventure game sites cover the classic Speccy text adventures. As for a site for the artists themselves, well, that's quite a brilliant idea… Don't think there are any.

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