The Obsolete Gamer Show

The Obsolete Gamer Show: Nima Fakhara (1979 Revolution: Black Friday)

Remember Kix cereal? Kids love it and moms will too? The idea was the cereal was really good but it was good for you. We often applaud a game when it’s well made, fun to play, but allso teaches you something you most likely would not have learned on your own.

In the story driven game, 1979 Revolution: Black Friday you play as a photographer during the Islamic Revolution in Iran. A period I certainly didn’t know much about before this interview, but our guest who composed the music for this game did.

Nima Fakhara was born in Tehran, Iran and has composed for film, television and videos games. For this game he used traditional Persian instruments to insure an authentic feeling within the game.

In our interview we talk about how players have received the game so far which is currently out on Steam and how he feels the game represented the events that unfolded during that time. We also cover his love of music and his journey from Tehran to Los Angeles.

You can purchase 1979 Revolution now on Steam

You can check on more from Nima Fakhrara on his Official Website

Views: 131

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

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