Game Reviews

J.A. Cares: Trial Addiction

Street Fighter auditions were held at the Casey Anthony trial this year.

I did not know that I had a contract that states I have to help someone at least once a year. Hell, I did not know I had a contract. Oh well.

Jane Abby from Pendleton OH writes:

Dear J.A.

My 36-year old sister is addicted to the Casey Anthony trial. I feel for the whole thing, but my sister use to go out and do things. Now, all she does is sit watching the Orlando feed of the trial, 24-hours a day. How can anyone do such a thing? Help me!

My thoughts exactly, Jane, the CA trial has no boss loot and the faction you get cannot be used outside of Orlando and really, unless you are hitting a theme park or dying, why the hell would you be in Orlando?

Check this out Jane, perhaps your sister could go be a bouncer:


I haven’t seen ladies this riled up since the great Bed, Bath and Beyond super sale of 2009. It’s like the O.J. trial all over again except NBC said black isn’t in this year so they went with an all-white cast.

Perhaps your sister can practice flipping off the D.A. and earn time in jail and a fine:

Seriously, who does the hand in the face bird flip off (yes, that’s what it’s called) past 9th grade. If the guy went with the nose picker reverse bird flip with a tuck I would have given him a 9.9.

Listen Jane, you need to just hack your sister’s television and show here a Law and Order episode. I mean I thought all trials lasted ten minutes max until I was arrested myself. Man I was pissed, I kept waiting for the commercial break so I could get the hell out of there and it never came.

Oh, right, your sister. Yeah, there is nothing I can do for her except get her to play World of Warcraft at the same time. Did you know it’s free to play until level 20?


Views: 118

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

One thought on “J.A. Cares: Trial Addiction

  • Just wait until one of these psychopaths kills your loved one and gets aways with it because there are so many un”reasonable” people in this society. There is no “reasonable” doubt here IMO. This verdict gives criminals everywhere a reason to rejoice.

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