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Carlos Eduardo Murrer Gomes: CEMG Apps

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CEMG Apps logo

Name: Carlos Eduardo Murrer Gomes

Company: CEMG-Apps

Profession: Engineer

Favorite Classic Game: Kaboom! (Atari)

Quote: “When I was a kid my father worked developing games for ATARI in Brasil and we had almost all ATARI Games. I started playing Kaboom! for Atari when I was 3 years old, we had also a different joystick for it ( and this was the game I loved to play when I was a kid, maybe the first video game I’ve played in my life”

Bio: I have a degree in Engineering in a Brasilian University and also in a French University. After school I worked a few years at Hewlett-Packad and Citibank. I started a company in 2010 called CEMG-Apps, focusing iPhone and iPad games. It is new challenge for me start in a bussiness that I don’t have experience but we’ve already released a few games and have more coming.

You Got Punked screenshot
You Got Punked screenshot

Project: We’ve recently released YOU GOT PUNKED and PLATYPUS IN SPACE for iPad and are going to release soon PIG CURLING

Project Info: YOU GOT PUNKED is a nice (free) app to play trick on your friends, the app is a collection of pranks and is now in top 20 in the App Store. PLATYPUS IN SPACE is the first of a series of games having a Platypus as the character. In PLATYPUS IN SPACE, the user must control a Platypus with a rocket flying in space and facing different objects and enemies. We are now working on a project called PIG CULING, unfortunately now I can’t tell more about it, but soon we believe that this is going to be in TOP3 in the App Store!

Views: 2231

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

One thought on “Carlos Eduardo Murrer Gomes: CEMG Apps

  • Awesome! I had those paddles for c64 and I played Arkanoid with them.

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