Carlos Eduardo Murrer Gomes: CEMG Apps
Name: Carlos Eduardo Murrer Gomes
Company: CEMG-Apps
Profession: Engineer
Favorite Classic Game: Kaboom! (Atari)
Quote: “When I was a kid my father worked developing games for ATARI in Brasil and we had almost all ATARI Games. I started playing Kaboom! for Atari when I was 3 years old, we had also a different joystick for it ( and this was the game I loved to play when I was a kid, maybe the first video game I’ve played in my life”
Bio: I have a degree in Engineering in a Brasilian University and also in a French University. After school I worked a few years at Hewlett-Packad and Citibank. I started a company in 2010 called CEMG-Apps, focusing iPhone and iPad games. It is new challenge for me start in a bussiness that I don’t have experience but we’ve already released a few games and have more coming.
Project: We’ve recently released YOU GOT PUNKED and PLATYPUS IN SPACE for iPad and are going to release soon PIG CURLING
Project Info: YOU GOT PUNKED is a nice (free) app to play trick on your friends, the app is a collection of pranks and is now in top 20 in the App Store. PLATYPUS IN SPACE is the first of a series of games having a Platypus as the character. In PLATYPUS IN SPACE, the user must control a Platypus with a rocket flying in space and facing different objects and enemies. We are now working on a project called PIG CULING, unfortunately now I can’t tell more about it, but soon we believe that this is going to be in TOP3 in the App Store!
Views: 2231
Awesome! I had those paddles for c64 and I played Arkanoid with them.