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Christophor Rick: Gamers Daily News

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Name: Christophor Rick

Company: Gamers Daily News (CEO), ReelSEO (Associate Editor), P.G. Wordhouse (Freelance Writing)

Profession: Journalist, Freelance Writer, Lifelong Gamer (yeah, that’s a profession) and world traveler

Favorite Classic Game: Alternate Reality (Atari 800XL)

Quote: Alternate Reality was really the first taste of how immersive a role-playing game could be. It had a mysterious and engrossing storyline (even if you never found out what it was, you WANTED to know), expansive environments and was rather difficult. I waited and waited for the expansions for years. Back then some critics hated it because they said there was no goal. But to survive and explore was more than goal enough for me.

Probably why I later spent 120 hours on Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and still am trying to find everything in games like Assassin’s Creed, etc. That game was a constant fight for survival which sort of mirrors reality, if you think about it. Except we can’t re-roll a new character in life when we fail. Well, at least there’s no Devourer when you have too much stuff, although, that might really be useful come to think of it, the GDN office is a disaster.

Bio: Gamers Daily News was founded in 2006 with the idea to become an informational resource by gamers, for gamers. Later the goal was expanded to become the premier independent video game news agency. New management and acquisitions in 2008-2009 saw GDN growing extremely fast. Now we are proud to be in the top 100,000 websites in the world (according to Alexa) and welcome over 150,000 unique visitors who read more than 250,000 pages.

We are still by gamers, for gamers and we speak our minds because gamers deserve the best, unbiased information they can get these days due to the massive selection of games available. There is no game too big or too small to be included in the GDN database or reviews area, but we give a game the score we believe it deserves and use the full breadth of our review scale, from one to ten.

Project: CEO – Chief Everything Officer at GDN – Making sure we get as much info and news as we can, managing the publishing schedule and getting in touch with the industry to give games and gear back to the gamers, like our current Game-a-Day giveaway on our Facebook page.

Associate Editor – ReelSEO – Expanding the coverage, creating ties to other industry leaders, assisting Mark Robertson the CEO there and digging up interesting stories to cover for our dedicated readership.

The Journey of Why – My second full-length novel. A dark retro sci-fi tale of what could happen if we are not attentive to what goes on in the world around us. Scheduled for digital and physical release in January 2011.

Unnamed Project at Cephalopod Games as Games Producer. We’re slowing working on some social games in a co-op mentality and structure which means we don’t always move as fast as we would like but try as hard as we can. That’s all I can say about that.

Project Info:
Personally I put in 14 hours a day to make sure that GDN is able to cover all of the news in both Europe and the US. Aside from that I’ve also got other duties including my Associate Editor position at ReelSEO and my other freelance writing through my other company P.G. Wordhouse and general blogging at my site Christophor Rick I’m currently proofreading my second book The Journey of Why which I plan to release in January of 2011 both digitally and in physical versions. My first novel, The WifeCycle, is available from Amazon, Smashwords and other online retailers.


The Journey of Why Synopsis:
For generations, the Product has been dug out of the ground, packed up and placed in Storage Wagons, to be carried away by the Locomotor.

The asking of questions gets one ‘disappeared’ often, never to be seen again. But with so many questions needing to be asked how could one not?

Myranda, 12-year-old troublemaker, finally asks one too many questions and gets sent to Administration. This is the first step in a journey that will unravel the fabric of her world. What is the Product? Where does the Trainway take it and most importantly, Why?

Views: 2573

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

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