The Music Hall

Arm Cannon concert FIU Yasumicon July 12 2009

Arm Cannon Logo
Arm Cannon Logo

Arm Cannon concert FIU Yasumicon July 12 2009 (filmed by Honorabili)

Last year I had the privilege of filming the concert at the FIU Yasumicon (anime convention) on July 12, 2009. Enjoy my videos of Arm Cannon performing many video game songs.

Arm Cannon 2/14 FIU Yasumicon July 12 2009 Killer Instinct

Here is their version of the theme song to Killer Instinct, the SNES fighting game.

It’s been remixed with Survivor – Eye of the Tiger.

Arm Cannon 3/14 FIU Yasumicon July 12 2009 SMB2

This is them playing one of the main songs for Super Mario Bros 2, from the NES.

Always such a funky little tune.

Arm Cannon 4/14 FIU Yasumicon July 12 2009 Rygar

Playing Rygar, from the NES.

Do you guys remember that game? I did! =P Like the Superman theme mixed in there?

Arm Cannon 5/14 FIU Yasumicon July 12 2009 Megaman X

Playing Megaman X, from the SNES.

Such great songs in all the Megaman games. They go really good when played by a rock band like Arm Cannon or Mini-Bosses.

Arm Cannon 6/14 FIU Yasumicon July 12 2009 SMW Castle

Playing Super Mario Bros. World, Castle Theme, from the SNES.

One of my favorite songs from Super Mario Bros. World 😀

Arm Cannon 7/14 FIU Yasumicon July 12 2009 Castlevania

Playing Castlevania, from the NES.

This is such an interesting version of this theme.

Arm Cannon 8/14 FIU Yasumicon July 12 2009 Metroid

Playing Metroid, from the NES.

My favorite song from Metroid. 😀

Arm Cannon 9/14 FIU Yasumicon July 12 2009 F-Zero

Playing F-Zero, from the SNES.

Like I mention in my review, I love the music of F-Zero!

Arm Cannon 10/14 FIU Yasumicon July 12 2009 Unsolved Mysteries

Although it’s not a video game, here is the theme song for the show Unsolved Mysteries.

I used to watch that show a bunch when I was a kiddo.

Arm Cannon 11/14 FIU Yasumicon July 12 2009 Megaman 2 Dr. Wiley

Playing Megaman 2, Dr. Wiley, from the NES.

This song is just meant to be played in metal. 😀

Arm Cannon 12/14 FIU Yasumicon July 12 2009 The Legend of Zelda

Playing a lot of music from The Legend of Zelda, from the NES.

Other than the Mario games, the 2nd most popular theme music for Nintendo!


Well folks, there you have it.

If you like Arm Cannon, be sure to check out their website at this link.

If you want to see other concerts or events or crazy crap I film or post, check out my personal youtube channel at this link.

Views: 358


I've been gaming since the introduction of the Commodore 64. After that computer I moved onto Amiga and finally onto PC. As far as consoles go I mainly enjoy the older systems.

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