Game Reviews

Anna & Mazipan MWMMM – 02-04-08

Beep Beep! Blappo Blappo! Amazing GUEST ALERT!


Listen to under TWO HOURS of car crash radio LIVE from KillBill Kilburn, London. Making it up as they go along and playing the best in never-heard-ever-type music, proper comedy chat, weird noises and more bickering about tea, biscuits and apricots…

Today Anna and Mazipan are joined at the hip and also by the superb singer song writer JONT for a lovely nice chat, biscuits, tea and a LIVE session of LIVE music! Hurrah!

JONT has released an absolutely beautiful album “Supernatural” which is available to download or on CD general release from the 5th May 2008.

Check out his websites for music, films and gigs /

Also check out the first two episodes of his fantastic video blogs called ‘The House We’re In‘ which you can see on a weekly basis for the next ten weeks on YouTube’s JontMusic account right here: and here:*Woo Woo*

The signedphotograph of Arthur Bostrom squirted fairy liquid all over the chopping board…

There is also the usual palaver of HILARIOUS skits MADE UP BEFORE your EARS, HAPPY JOLLY NEWS from NICE PEOPLE, QUIZ of the WEEK, the world famous TOP FIVE RANDOM THINGS, and much much more…

ENJOY, it’ll make you want to go to eat prawns.. x


Views: 68

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

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