Month: July 2010


Exploring Expo Expectations

The E3 Expo is a lot like a roller-coaster. There’s the anticipation of that first hill (the build-up to the show with hints of what’s coming), the sudden drop into the exciting parts (the actual announcements and reveals) and the slowing down as the ride comes into the station (wading through discarded goodie bags and leaflets to the exit).

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Super Metroid Intro

In the intro Samus talks about how the baby Metroid believed her to be its mother and how she brought it to the Ceres Space Colony. You can guess what happened next, the scientists discovered they could use the Metroid as a power source, but just as Samus leaves she receives a distress call and heads back to see what happened.

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Company Representatives

David McCaman: FunClick

Playing Chivalry on my Apple II in middle-school was one of my fondest multiplayer gaming memories. A 1983 action “roll-playing” game of rescue for up to 4 players, Chivalry consists of numerous mini-games and rolls of chance to make it to the end to save the kingdom. Simple, fun, and addictive, Chivalry allowed for quick games, competitive action with friends, and led the way for the more robust, in-depth Bard’s Tale (also a classic favorite) in 1985.

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World of Warcraft: Ask a CDev

As shown in the World of Warcraft Special #1 comic, Algalon is currently monitoring the activities of the mortal races of Azeroth. His outlook on life and the titans’ plans has been called into question, so he seeks to understand what makes Azeroth so different from the countless worlds he has observed before.

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Gamer Parents – Bargaining

The old tried and true, this method trades more work for whatever you are bargaining for, but it has its issues. First, most kids don’t know what their labor is worth. Is raking leaves for six months worth that Double Dragon game? Second, if you end up disappointing your parents by not doing said work it can kill any change for successful future bargaining. Now if you can agree to something really simple then so be it, but we are talking children here. I recommend not using this one unless you know for certain this is the only strategy that will work.

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Video Game Art Is In The Eye of The Beholder

Sometimes, physicality is not enough merit to consider a form of entertainment media as a source of art. What about the ability to portray controversy? The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger portrayed sexuality, a copious use of vulgarity, and a truer depiction of teenage angst at the time of its published date. The uproar caused this book to be considered controversial and yet is considered art for its ability to stir up emotions in the reader. If controversy is needed to be part of the art in-crowd than Grand Theft Auto should be ringleader. The ability to sleep with a hooker and than murder her only to reclaim your money, snipe an old woman crossing the street, shout absurd profanities, and go on highway speed chases with the police is the staple for the GTA series.

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Arcade Games

Spider-Man: The Video Game

There are five chapters in the game and at the end of each you face a boss. However, along the way you can end up fighting mini-bosses like Electro and Doctor Octopus. The gameplay is pretty much two fold. One is your standard side scrolling beat ‘em up where you try not to get surrounded by bad guys and use a lot of throws and jump kicks, kind of like you would if playing Final Fight. The second mode has the camera zoom away to where you become like one fourth the size. When this happens you can climb on walls and just shoot giant globs of webbing to take down enemies.

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Obsolete Intros: Parasite Eve

Parasite Eve is one of my favorite RPG/Action games. It was developed and published in 1998 by Square Enix and follows the story of Aya Brea a New York cop that witnesses an entire opera house spontaneously combust. It is up to her to find out not only why it happened, but why she wasn’t affected.

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Tecmo Bowl

You could play as the following teams, the Indianapolis Colts, the Miami Dolphins, the Cleveland Browns, the Denver Broncos, the Seattle Seahawks, the Los Angeles Raiders, the Washington Redskins, the San Francisco 49ers, the Dallas Cowboys, the New York Giants, the Chicago Bears, and the Minnesota Vikings. Each team had its specialty for instance Miami was known for passing and so instead of the normal two running, two passing plays they had three passing and one running. If you were unlucky enough to pick Minnesota you would find yourself at a great disadvantage because at the time they did not have the best talent or playbook.

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