
Up to Half off Ubisoft Games

gog good old games logo
gog good old games logo

You like classic games right? I hope so since that’s one of the main focuses of Obsolete Gamer. Our friends over at Good Ol Games are having a up to 50% off sale on a number of Ubisoft games foe this weekend only including, Farcry, Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon and Might & Magic. You can own all those games and more for just about five bucks which is pretty good deal considering you pay more than that for a Wii virtual console game.

Also keep in mind you can try out Good old Games before you buy by downloading some free games so either way you should check it out.

Click on this link and tell em Obsolete Gamer sent ya.

Don’t you love how I tossed in some Wii hate?

Ubisoft GOG sale
Ubisoft GOG sale

Views: 636

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

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