
The Bain of stickers on Consoles

I made two big mistakes during my NES time. One was when I threw my controller at the console after losing the code to the original Metal Gear. The second was when I decided to put a bunch of stickers on my console.~J.A. Laraque

The Bain of stickers on Consoles

So you got your shiny new console. For me it was the Nintendo Entertainment System. In fact, you can even read about the ordeal my mother went through in order to get it. Even as a child, I understood that I had to take care of my new game. I knew if it broke, I was most likely screwed. For the first few weeks, I treated the console like a newborn baby. I would clean it and even unplug it and wrap the cords. Yeah, that did not last long.

Stickers on NES

Soon it was just like any other toy and when I had to do all kind of tricks to get it to work, like blowing on the cartridge and pushing it in and then to the side, ( wow, out of context this sounds really bad) I really did not care about giving my NES the white glove treatment.

I made two big mistakes during my NES time. One was when I threw my controller at the console after losing the code to the original Metal Gear. The second was when I decided to put a bunch of stickers on my console.

PS3 Game skin

Today you can find some cool skins for consoles that make them look badass. That is not what my console looked like. At the time, I was also big into baseball cards and some of them came with stickers. I thought it would be cool to put them on the system. For about one day, I thought it was cool and then quickly regretted it. You would think getting stickers out would be easy, but it wasn’t.  I ended up with a much worst system than in the first picture and I did not know any of the tricks to clean it up.

Sadly, I was stuck with an ugly system until I got my SNES and vowed never to do it again. It appears a lot of people did what I did even today. So to help you out check out this video about removing stickers.

[youtube id=”vNEo7ZPUm40″ width=”633″ height=”356″]


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J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

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