Unreal Engine


APB. I Think U Dun Goofed

Few may remember APB but many remember the backlash the game received when it closed its doors to players in less than a year’s time. Even fewer may know that APB is having life beat back into it when it was purchased by Gamersfirst under a new Free to Play model. Today, lets look into a little background on the changes the game will be receiving to deem for our self if it is worth our time.

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Modern PC Gaming

Unreal Tournament 3

You can play the single player campaign, which is like the training tutorial for the real game: competing online against other players. The game uses Gamespy to connect with other players, which to me is not the best system for connectivity, but one has to live with it. A really annoying thing I found with the UT3 Gamespy component is that if you forget your password, you’re pretty much screwed. When you reset your password at the Gamespy website, it only resets your password for entering that website, which has nothing to do with the password you setup for your UT3 account. So my warning is that you write that password down somewhere and never ever lose it, or you will have to buy another copy of the game, like I did.

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