
The Music Hall

Bionic Commando: 8-bit OST

Released in late 1988 by Capcom, Bionic Commando follows the adventures of Ladd Spencer, a super solider with a bionic arm that could fire a grappling gun allowing you to pull yourself up or swing from the ceiling. One of the funny things is he could not jump. I guess his arm was too heavy.

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The Music Hall

Faxanadu OST

In a nutshell the Evil One came to earth via meteorite (take that Superman). The Evil One transformed the Dwarves into monsters and had them attack the Elves who were all nice and peaceful living on the World Tree before this all went down. There is only one thing that can kill the Evil One and that is the Dwarven kings sword, too bad he swallowed it before he was transformed into a horrible and hard to kill monster.

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Cataclysm: Inception

Our master of the editorial, Umar Khan sent over this link which has one the World of Warcraft Cataclysm trailers playing alongside the music from the movie, Inception. It’s about 18 seconds of the inception theme before the music starts, but if you mute the cataclysm music and let only the inception music play it matches together in a pretty awesome way.

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The Music Hall

Bubble Bobble OST

One my favorite games in the world and that kind of hurts to say because of the happy theme of the game. I mean you are twin Dinosaurs who blow bubbles and eat fruit. The truth is the game was addicting as was the music. You can already view the Classic Gaming Profile on Bubble Bobble, but I wanted to add the full original soundtrack. So enjoy and don’t sue us if you can’t get the songs out of your head.

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The Music Hall

Super Mario RPG OST

What can I say I fell in love with this game. I was always a big Mario fan and shortly before its release I got big into Final Fantasy so when I saw a Squaresoft (Square Enix now) RPG built around Super Mario Bros I had to get it and was not disappointed. The gameplay was fun keeping the humor and character of Mario and adding in the role playing and battle elements of Sqaure. The story was well done as were many of the boss battles and puzzles and the music, some of the best at the time.

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The Music Hall

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night OST

Today in the music hall I’d like to share with you one of my favorite soundtracks. Castlevainia has always had good music even back to the Nintendo days. I remember many of the memorable tunes from Super Castlevania, but when SOTN was released on the Playstation I was hooked. Not only was it such a great game, but it has incredibly well composed music that I still listen to today.

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