
Modern PC Gaming

Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries

Basically in this game you run a startup mercenary company that was sponsored by one of the big mercenary companies such as Wolf’s Dragoons. You can pick different sponsors and will get perks throughout the game based on who your boss is. Wolf’s Dragoons, for instance, give you access to Clan technology all throughout the game. The game consists of you managing your mercs in between you doing missions. You have to manage the nubmer of mechs, pilots, weapons you have, and everything costs money to run. All damage taken in missions takes time and money to fix so you have to keep extra mechs so when your best mechs are damaged you get to use your backups while repairs happen.

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Mech Commander 2 Review & Strategy Guide

If you are a hardcore Battletech fan and you’ve never played this, go out and play it NOW. If you want to play an RTS game that requires patience, you will like this game too. I don’t think they’ll ever make another game in the Mech Commander series again, which is a real shame. We’ll see though… If MechWarrior Online starts to do well when it does come out, there is hope. It’s nice to see that Battletech is not entirely dead. It has a special place in my heart alongside Warhammer 40k.

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