Game Reviews

Super Metroid

Super Metroid - Super Nintendo - Box

As I came across this game I though to myself why not pick it? After all, this game is one of the most praised by Metroid fans as they pick it as their favorite. The game itself has a very intriguing storyline that kept you interested in the game. As many of you remember the tragic ending of this incredible game….ahhh yeah the memories….Anyways, on with the game. Here you have a platformer style game with RPG elements and action packed! Should I even say more? The music is unforgettable and the graphics were top notch for its time.

Super Metroid - Super Nintendo - Gameplay Screenshot


Want to hear even more? The hero is actually a very sexy heroine! Yes, this is girl power to the max! I’m sure most of you Metroid fans already knew that but back when the first one in the series where at the ending your “hero” would take his/her helmet off and surprise surprise it was a chick! I have never felt so turned on!! har har har.



So I won’t say much more as I don’t want to spoil the fun for those of you who haven’t played this masterpiece but I will tell you one thing, try it out! It’s available for the Wii virtual console.

Views: 2410

Luis Zena

I'm Luis Z, aka Famicomfreak from Retro Gaming Life the site that has everything you need to know about retro games, emulation, and information involving the magical past of video gaming.

2 thoughts on “Super Metroid

  • Cool I love super metroid and metroid prime series.

  • Yeah can't beat this series. I heard good things about the GBA ones as well.

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