Game Reviews

Scambaiter – Lola Benson – I am Born and raised In Texas

I came accross Lola Benson on Face-Pic (it says a lot for Face-Pic that her profile is still on there six month later) after she sent me the following message 

Hello how are u doing today i am so happyu to hear from u well i will like to talk to u through yahoo IM on

So we got chatting;

(10:41:31 PM) abuchi_lol1: Hello hun how are u doing today i am Online 
(10:41:45 PM) mikehock20: Hi
(10:42:57 PM) abuchi_lol1: I am Born and raised In Texas Dallas Sherman ……I am the only Child of my parent and I already lost my parent when I was Young. I have been taking care of myself…I have been engaged before and I was hurt by my Ex-boyfriend…I caught him in the shower with my best friend. I have been since for over 4years now without any man…… believe that I have everything that any man could want from a woman, I know that but am not saying that am the best woman on earth, but I still believe in me, and in God almighty father, I believe that one day my soul mate and dream man will surely come for me. I’m open, sensual, kind, gentle, romantic… a different lady, I’m a very family oriented, sensitive and tender person, I want to give all of my tenderness and care to my special man
(10:43:13 PM) abuchi_lol1: so tell me a Little about your self
(10:43:43 PM) mikehock20: I am Mike, from LA. I’m 27 single with no kids
(10:43:48 PM) mikehock20: What else do you need to know
(10:45:50 PM) abuchi_lol1: what do u do for a Living 
(10:45:56 PM) mikehock20: I’m a actor
(10:46:08 PM) abuchi_lol1: Ohh that is nice
(10:51:25 PM) abuchi_lol1: well i am Looking for a man that will show me Love
(10:53:38 PM) mikehock20: So how is your life in Texas?
(10:55:02 PM) abuchi_lol1: well i am Not in Texas right now i am In a Country Named Nigeria i am here with my mom the reason why i am here Is Because when my dad Died His family was Treating mom and i bad and then mom now decided to come back Home
(10:55:52 PM) mikehock20: ah, you’re in Nigeria? Isn’t that a back wards African country?
(10:57:44 PM) mikehock20: wow, living there must be horrible?
(11:01:06 PM) mikehock20: you still there?
(11:01:29 PM) mikehock20: I have to go now, I’ll speak to you again soon. 

I must have insulted it’s national pride, because it we didn’t chat for months after that. Then one day, it got back in contact.


(8:39:47 PM) abuchi_lol1: hello there am on line 
(8:39:54 PM) mikehock20: hey
(8:40:34 PM) abuchi_lol1: am ok an u
(8:40:50 PM) mikehock20: Yes, and am very good, how are you doing
(8:41:21 PM) abuchi_lol1: am ok 
(8:41:56 PM) mikehock20: good to hear
(8:41:58 PM) abuchi_lol1: so how are u doing and how is work 
(8:42:31 PM) mikehock20: work is ok, now strike is over
(8:42:37 PM) abuchi_lol1: yes am happy to meet u on line 
(8:42:46 PM) mikehock20: yes, I bet you are
(8:43:02 PM) abuchi_lol1: thanks that means i will chat with u all the time 
(8:43:14 PM) mikehock20: that is good news
(8:44:18 PM) abuchi_lol1: so tell me what are u up too 
(8:44:36 PM) mikehock20: I am just on the internet listening to slayradio
(8:45:12 PM) abuchi_lol1: ok, tell me do u mist me on line
(8:45:43 PM) mikehock20: yes, I always mist you online. this makes me sad
(8:46:28 PM) abuchi_lol1: ohhh am so sorry that is why i am hear to make u happy
(8:46:52 PM) mikehock20: excellent, so what are you up to…?
(8:48:29 PM) abuchi_lol1: nothing im  just here thinkink of u an i been to gethere
(8:49:38 PM) mikehock20: what?
(8:50:19 PM) abuchi_lol1: i mean i am here thinking of u
(8:51:33 PM) mikehock20: ah, oh. nothing better to think off. You like slayradio?
(8:52:08 PM) abuchi_lol1: yes
(8:53:39 PM) mikehock20: excellent, not many birds are into 8bit music
(8:54:11 PM) abuchi_lol1: yes
(8:54:30 PM) mikehock20: I’m listening to Boz’s bit of Bollocks now, are you?
(8:55:00 PM) abuchi_lol1: nop
(8:55:06 PM) mikehock20: oh, why not?
(8:55:27 PM) abuchi_lol1: is like u love music alot
(8:55:47 PM) mikehock20: yes, It is, isn’t it
(8:56:42 PM) abuchi_lol1: yes
(8:57:20 PM) mikehock20: I’m glad we agree. So where you a spectrum or C64 owner?
(8:58:08 PM) abuchi_lol1: i don;t understand 
(8:58:28 PM) mikehock20: ah right, a Atari owner then. never mind…
(8:59:31 PM) abuchi_lol1: ok
(8:59:43 PM) mikehock20: So tell me how class I am then…
(9:02:26 PM) abuchi_lol1: u mean a lot to me 
(9:02:37 PM) mikehock20: of course I do, and…
(9:03:47 PM) abuchi_lol1: u are the onlly man that i will ever think of 
(9:04:24 PM) mikehock20: goodo, did you send me any pics?
(9:04:46 PM) abuchi_lol1: nop i will send it to u ok
(9:05:13 PM) mikehock20: try and find some nudes, ok
(9:05:28 PM) abuchi_lol1: ok i will send it to u 
(9:05:35 PM) mikehock20: excellent
(9:06:17 PM) abuchi_lol1: thanks

The following pictures arrived, surprisingly the exactly match the original picture from the Face-Pic profile.



(9:15:58 PM) mikehock20: I got your pics
(9:16:18 PM) mikehock20: went in spam folder for some strange reason? Can you believe it Yahoo are crazy
(9:16:29 PM) mikehock20: but there are no nudes, why not?

(9:16:44 PM) abuchi_lol1: did u get that 
(9:18:33 PM) mikehock20: I got some pics
(9:18:38 PM) mikehock20: but I want pics with no clothes on
(9:19:06 PM) abuchi_lol1: why that wii be when i get to u 
(9:19:22 PM) mikehock20: You gonna get me a Wii?
(9:22:03 PM) mikehock20: I would rather have naked pics, so i could see what I was getting

(9:23:08 PM) abuchi_lol1: i don;t have a naked pics 
(9:23:28 PM) mikehock20: boring, ok. what can you do for me then?
(9:23:39 PM) abuchi_lol1: as ssoon as i get to u i will show u every thing u want to see
(9:23:57 PM) mikehock20: this I like, TELL ME MORE
(9:23:58 PM) abuchi_lol1: do u have cam
(9:24:05 PM) abuchi_lol1: ok
(9:24:31 PM) mikehock20: away then, MOAR
(9:34:04 PM) abuchi_lol1: are u there talk to me 
(9:35:38 PM) mikehock20: I’m waiting for you
(9:35:46 PM) mikehock20: See where I say more?
(9:35:58 PM) mikehock20: that means more; as in, tell me more
(9:36:25 PM) abuchi_lol1: ok
(9:36:45 PM) abuchi_lol1: i told u that i don;t have a neked pics
(9:37:04 PM) mikehock20: jesus,  no tell me more what you gonna do when you get to me
(9:38:05 PM) abuchi_lol1: i will show u that i love u so much 
(9:38:29 PM) abuchi_lol1: and i will show u what i have for u 
(9:38:37 PM) mikehock20: and…
(9:39:08 PM) abuchi_lol1: i will talk to u later
(9:39:33 PM) mikehock20: what? what? what?

…And with that it was gone. I don’t know, It’s was almost like I was asking a man, who was pretending to be a women, to discribe performing sexual acts on another man.

Views: 333

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

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