The Music Hall

Redneck Rampage Music

Redneck Rampage Music

For those that wanted to bring out the crazy hillbilly in you to the spirit of Duke Nukem 3D but with a LOT of alcohol, Redneck Rampage was the way to go!

Redneck Rampage Box
Redneck Rampage Box

Although more people played Duke Nukem 3D, Redneck Rampage was a much funnier game with a more memorable soundtrack (although the Duke Nukem 3D soundtrack is also a favorite of mine). For some reason the Redneck Rampage soundtrack makes me remember some great funny country music by artists such as Jerry Reed. We got great artists like Mojo Nixon, Beat Farmers, Reverend Horton Heat, and Cement Pond.

Cousin Jethro, the hillbilly
Cousin Jethro, the hillbilly

My favorite song out of the entire soundtrack is Mojo Nixon – You Can’t Kill Me, the last song in the album.

[youtube id=”caOPx-VRbFU” width=”633″ height=”356″]

If you don’t know what Redneck Rampage is, it’s about UFOs landing in the most redneck part of the good ol’ US of A and starting an invasion with two redneck brothers Bubba and Leonard being humanity’s only hope against them alien varmints.

You would go around fighting other crazed gun-tottin’ rednecks, eating and picking up drinks to heal, which in turn would get you fucked up (way before Grand Theft Auto implemented it), as well as legions of aliens and chickens!

Hot Redneck Cousin With A Black Eye
Hot Redneck Cousin With A Black Eye

Views: 2916


I've been gaming since the introduction of the Commodore 64. After that computer I moved onto Amiga and finally onto PC. As far as consoles go I mainly enjoy the older systems.

One thought on “Redneck Rampage Music

  • Yeah, I remember I bought this game mainly because the sound track was playing in the store at the time!

    It shore was fun murderlizing them alien-thingies.

    Thanks for putting up this page.

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