
Pathologic: The Demo



Pathologic is a game with a pretty interesting official site. Then again, it also is a breathtakingly unique game developed in Russia and one best described in this Eurogamer review. As for me and Pathologic, well, I’ve been playing it for quite some time now and the only thing I can compare it to is Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy in the US). Thus, I’m in awe. Quite confused too. Think I might try writing a review or a something on it someday.

You, on the other hand, should better try its hefty demo. Get the roughly 650MB file here.

Views: 525

Konstantinos Dimopoulos

Hi, my name is Gnome, a.k.a Konstantinos and I own the blog Gnome's Lair which is all about gaming in all of its many and varied guises. It is thus about computer & video games, old games, new games, indie games, adventure games, free games, board games, ludology, game creation, RPGs, books on games, games on books, and well the theory of and in games.

17 thoughts on “Pathologic: The Demo

  • Oblivion with cancer, hardly likely to ever grace my cutesy game store, the review is fascinating…..

  • Oh yes, it is… It actually forced me (at the gunpoint of fascination) to get the game…

  • Still only just getting into the Secret files of Tunguska or whatever…

  • Actually this one’s less traditional an adventure and way more interesting. It also feels slightly like a soviet avant-guard game… If of course people could do them back in 1911…

  • It looks really fascinating! I’m definitely considering a purchase. Too bad the official site seems to be down.

    Thanks for pointing this one out!

  • Glad you find it interesting Vince… Just know it’s not as polished as mainstream games are. Still, that’s okay I guess… Cheers!

  • …Cold Fear for xbox had it’s frustrations, but damn if the athmosphere didn’t make you sit up
    and pay attention…….

  • Wow! You dropped Brecht into a comment!! Respect! Double wow! You compared his theatre to his poetry!! Jeez Gnome your deep!
    First I squeeze Beckett into a review of Death Crimson OX, then you manage to trump me with giving Brecht references! We’re wasted on gaming Gnome I tells yer…

    “Oh show me, the way,
    To the next whisky bar,
    No! Don’t ask why…
    No! Don’t ask why…

    I tell you, I tell you,
    I tell you we must die…”

  • “For if we don’t find,
    the next whiskey bar…”

    Ahh, the doors… You know we did have a concert of the doors (as they are now though… with a rather dead Morisson, without Densmore and with a now-turned-rockabilly Manzarek) that ended up in lovely retro-like riots. Heh.

    Oh, and we’re defintetely not wasting our selves in games dear friend… They can be -i really believe it- as interesting and enjoyable as every other piece of art. Thet can even be dada…

    Cheers FK!

  • too deep for me….

    (heads back to marvel comics and tom & jerry cartoons)

  • Not as deep as porn though…

  • …where?



  • I love Pathologic… Despite the mangled translation, it has the deepest and best story of any game I’ve played. And you can play it three times (with the three characters), getting more of the story each time. Fantastic…

    FYI, the developer, Ice-Pick Lodge, is working on another game that will hopefully be a weird, atmospheric classic. It’s called ‘Tension’ – You can check out videos and screenshots at the official (Russian) site:

    The trailer (bottom of the page, on the left) is a HIGHLY recommended download for Pathologic fans. You’ll probably need the help of babelfish to read anything else about the game, though.

  • Anonymous I absolutely agree with you. After all the Russian developers scene is my only true hope for some quality -thinking man’s too- games.

    Oh, and thanks for the tip! That’s excellent news and I’ll definitely blog them… Could you perhaps spare some more info?

  • Thanks for the info LxR, much appreciated!

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