Game Reviews

MySpace Interview – Six Red Carpets

So, who are you anyway?

We are the Six Red Carpets.

The most generous band in the world: in fact we’ve released our first album some months ago, it is downloadable for free from our website .

And we rock. If you don’t believe us, if you think we’re just like any other band that rocks, well… download and listen to “Nightmares + Lullabies”. It’s free.

Describe your sound for us.

Our sound is soupy, warm and winding. It’s delightly upsetting.

So you rate yourself then?

Don’t know how to answer this question.

We’d like to be rated as “a surprise”

Who are your influences?

Every rock ‘n roll band sets its influences on the Beatles and some other jazz rules.

Someone wrote we’re a quarter of Smashing Pumpkins, a quarter of Radiohead, a quarter of Smiths, a quarter of the Cure, a quarter of the QOTSA, a quarter of Buckley (son), a quarter of Pink Floyd, a quarter of My bloody valentine.

Too many quarters.

You know, it’s a matter of maths. Not ours.

Tell us one of your musical secrets.

Our most precious talent is “Research”, that’s the key for the success in any field.

We research on ourselves, on sound and musical instruments, on History and Life, on Love and Passion, on Rage and Angers.

What’s in the future?

We can see that you will download “Nightmares + Lullabies” and then you will tell your friends that our songs are wonderful…you will tell them that it’s free as well!

We can see that one of them will call us to propose a big deal… we can see… we can see…Oh-my-god!!!!

What’s your claim to fame?


I’m gonna live forever
I’m gonna learn how to fly

Musically, where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

We will have recorded almost 10 albums, every album better than the previous one.

Myspace or Facebook?


People is everywhere. People is moving on the street fast, and you have to move faster. People is not only in front of a computer. And music is not just on their computers; it is on the stages or in the streets. Where people move fast.

Views: 76

J.A. Laraque

J.A. Laraque is a freelance writer and novelist. His passion for writing mixed with a comedic style and intelligent commentary has brought him success in his various endeavors. Whatever the subject, J.A. has an opinion on it and will present it in writing with an insight and flair that is both refreshing and informative.

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