gog.com sale: Kalypso’s strategy collection 50% off
gog.com sale: Kalypso’s strategy collection 50% off
All the Kalypso strategy games sold at Good Old Games are now on sale, 50% off.
The games on sale includes all the three Commandos titles, Imperial Glory, Patrician 1 and 2, Port Royale, Praetorians and Tropico: Reloaded.
The Commando games are great stealth murder games where your team are usually on a mission to blow up a German objective in World War 2 and usually there is a pile of bodies involved on the way to complete that objective. The Good Old Games version comes with the manuals, wallpapers, the Commandos 2 soundtrack, artwork from the games, and avatars for the series.
Imperial Glory is similar to Empire: Total War except that it came out first! The Good Old Games version comes with the manual (36 pages), hi-res wallpapers, the in-game soundtrack, and avatars.
The Patrician games are classic games about being a noble and working your way as a trader. The Good Old Games version comes with the Patrician II manual and wallpaper.
Port Royale is like Sid Meier’s Pirates but with more trading. The Good Old Games version comes with the manual (34 pages) and game map.
Praetorians, I have yet to play but I heard it is a mix between the Total War games and Dawn of War games. The Good Old Games version comes with the manual (38 pages), hi-res wallpaper, the soundtrack, artworks, and avatars for the game.
Tropico: Reloaded is a pack that includes the original Tropico, the expansion Tropico Paradise Island, and the sequel set in pirate times Tropico 2 – Pirate Cove. The Tropico games are essentially games like Sim City except you’re Castro or another of your favorite Latin dictators. The games are filled with humor and are fun as hell. The Good Old Games version comes with the manuals (127 pages) and soundtrack. The soundtrack for all the Tropico games are always very funny Latin songs.
Click here to go to the sale.
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